
Sad news to learn that one of my Columbia buddies lost his battle with prostate cancer yesterday. 52 years old. Scott “Gunny” Taubl was a Marine tanker and even in retirement continued his service to our nation. Especially in his dedication to veteran’s causes. I first met Gunny when I moved home to South Carolina in 2011. He was an enthusiastic supporter of my efforts to establish a dart organization in Columbia and continued working to build the darting community long after my departure. Just one of those rare and outstanding individuals you encounter on the road of life who has his shit together and makes the world a little bit better place by his presence.

A good man is hard to find. Thank you for your service, may you rest in peace.

One of the things that comes with growing older is seeing people you know start passing away. What’s been especially disconcerting for me is that the last three friends I’ve lost have all been younger than me. Nothing like a slap-in-the-face wake up call from mortality. A good reminder to live the best you can, while you can. And also to take care of the vessel containing our life force.

Another night of darts last night and my undefeated streak (4 now) remains intact. As does my streak of failure with the ladies.

That’s Anabel. She’s a real cutie. I’d like to give her a whirl. She’s made it clear through her actions (and lack of reactions to my overtures) that she’s not interested. A shame that.

Desperate times call for desperate measures:

Maybe this will work?

I was kinda sorta hoping Anabel would join me for some after darts dessert at Treasure Island, but she bailed before the tournament was over. So, I stumbled over alone when I was finished. I was surprised to see one of my waitress favorites all snuggled up with a man at the bar. A fat old fuck (and if I’m saying that, you know he was old and fat). Now, don’t get me wrong. I was not jealous at all. The fact is, I always considered Jessa to be out of my league. Too young and pretty for a slightly less fat and old guy than the one she was with. I was disappointed to see her settling for less than she deserves, but then again, what do I know about her and her situation? I guess it also underscored that I remain alone in a country where the young gals apparently go for fat old fucks.

What the hell is wrong with me?

5 thoughts on “Undefeated

  1. As for romance: give it time, man. You’re only just settling in, and you’re not even in your permanent residence yet.

    Meantime, congrats on another victory! Good to see you’re getting your edge back.

  2. Also meant to offer my condolences re: the passing of your buddy. It’s too little, too late, but I thank him for his service to our country.

  3. You kinda funny John…obviously the right one for u has not come yet…u do not know what that old fat man has that u don’t have…fats!..lol….oh so young for your friend to pass away….just keep darting…looking…and hoping….

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