True confessions

On the menu for today: A couple of quick updates for my faithful followers and then a slew of photos from yesterday’s hike. Let’s get to it!

I didn’t hear from Mary before falling asleep last night, but this morning I woke to a message asking me to buy her a laptop so she could enroll in school. Hmm, where have I heard that before? Anyway, I sent a message telling her she might be in luck because I had just ordered a new computer for me and perhaps we could work something out for her to acquire my old one. She responded that she can’t enroll in school now because she doesn’t have tuition money. Would I be willing to help with that? I reminded her that she has been unwilling to do anything for me in return for my generosity. I haven’t heard anything from her since then. It’s kind of funny seeing how she operates. It’s all about the cash. Once I insisted on paying for the MRI with my credit card, suddenly it was never mentioned again. When I potentially offered a used laptop, she suddenly decided that it was the tuition she required. And yet, when I hint at a quid pro quo she seems to lose all interest in the transaction. Anyway, it’s all kind of amusing now that I’m on to her, especially since she doesn’t know it!

My big news is that I’m going to have a guest for lunch today–my friend Ilene (the one who tipped me off about Mary). Out of the blue, she suggested we get together, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Ilene has a boyfriend back in Canada so I asked her about the basis of our meetup–a date or a friendly get-together. She responded just two good friends hanging out. Oh well, should be fun anyway. Grilled steak, baked potato, mixed veggies, and cornbread are on the menu, with brownies and ice cream for dessert. I’m hoping to make a good impression!

That’s Ilene (the female in the photo). She used to do the Hash (Hot to Trot) but has been inactive of late. She does enjoy hiking, jogging, going to the gym, and participating in a decathlon type event know as the Spartan. She’s mid-30s with two teenaged daughters. I’m looking forward to getting to know her better.

That concludes the update portion of this post.

And here we commence with the hiking portion of today’s post…

I had a couple of kilometers to hike to reach our meet-up location. And as I passed by Columban College, a Catholic school, I noticed this sign:

And before I knew it, I blurted out “I stole a car when I was 16”. Strange magic!
My hike mates for the day were Troy…
…and Scott. Most of these photos were taken by Scott.
We took on the big mountain. The climb to the top started with these stairs…
The stairs were the easy part!
Onward and upward…
Almost there…
A scenic shot of my beer belly…
A bay view…
…a mountain view…
And a view of Barretto…
Call me a chicken, but I’d hate to be cooped up in there!
Just horsin’ around
Scott and Troy enjoying the scenery…
And on we marched…
This provides a good foundation for someone’s broken dreams…
A rare glimpse of the Great Wall of Barretto.
Let’s get outta here…
Making our way back down…
Back on the highway at last!
And lo and behold who do we see? Mama! That gal gets around!

Anyway, it was one of our better hikes. Slick and steep in places, but no crashes or fuckups (not counting Mary of course). I’d call that a pretty good day.

Alright, time for me to get cooking! I don’t want to disappoint Ilene.

4 thoughts on “True confessions

  1. Here’s hoping you and Ilene have a good, pleasant, no-grope lunch free of any ulterior schemes for getting into poor Ilene’s pants.

  2. Oh dear. I commiserate with you on the recent developments. Unfortunately I join Kevin Kim in wishing that the lunch is grope-free. After lunch you can take her upstairs to show her the view, and much more. Alas, it’s more likely that this may turn into another ‘should I shouldn’t I?’ with your attempts to get into her heart rather than her pants. I am sure Kevin Kim will chime in with a more literate warning and prediction. The reader who said your life is like a movie was right. But those who have seen this movie already know what’s coming, but it is still fun to watch. Thank you for writing so candidly; it’s fun and I hope it helps you not only in keeping score of how your life is going but also so that lessons may be learnt .

  3. Kev, the lunch was grope free indeed. It also featured some of the finest conversation I have experienced in a goodly long time. Lots of laughs too.

    James, I’m reminded of something a girlfriend told me many years ago: “No man is totally worthless, he can always serve as a bad example”. I’m glad my readers can benefit from hearing about my relationship train wrecks and pratfalls. And you are absolutely correct–Ilene is someone I could easily fall in love with. Alas, she is currently not available.

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