Had a nice threesome yesterday with Scott and Martin. I’m talking about hiking, you pervs! Only three Wednesday Walkers were in attendance, so we rode out to Naugsol in Scott’s car, then hoofed it to Tibag and back. We only make it out this way once or twice a year, and I always enjoy it. There is just something about this area that resonates with me for some reason. Other than it being out in the middle of fucking nowhere with nothing to do, no bars, and no other foreigners, I could almost fantasize about living the life of a Tibagger. But not for long. Pictures from the adventure at the end of this post.
My feeding plans for HIdeaway were stymied when I discovered that the Jewel restaurant is closed on Wednesdays. So, it was chicken, pork, and rice takeout from one of the shops on the highway instead. I baked the brownies, of course.
Joy attacking an innocent brownie.
I finished the night at Queen Victoria again and shared a drink with my Irish friend. And I discovered something interesting about her that I hadn’t noticed when we first met.
She says she is 4 feet, 8 inches tall. Felt shorter than that (I’m 6’1″). I’ve heard it said that good things come in small packages.I’ve also been told the only thing better than long legs wrapped around your back are short legs trying. I guess there is only one way to find out for sure. But not last night.
Oh, and speaking of women, I forgot to post a picture of the one I met at Royal yesterday.
A real cutie, even if she didn’t have much to say. Wanted to sniff her hair but couldn’t catch a whiff. She was paper thin too.
Welp, we are full on into the holiday season now, and I’ve definitely got the spirit.
Why, yes. Yes, it is!
Alright, that pretty much covers the alcoholic portion of the day; here’s the walkaholic part:
Just under 8K altogether. Mostly pavement, with a long uphill grade getting to Tibag. We sometimes will cross the river and take the dirt pathways back, but we opted not to yesterday in deference to the wild thatch grass–we weren’t confident we’d be able to find the trail.My fellow hikers posing for this post.And we are off!A piggy headed to the market. Soon to be Lechon, no doubt.Living the simple life.Sharing cookies (me) and candy (Martin) with the local folks.The mountain vistas are one of the things I really enjoy out here.Trudging ever onwardThe last time we were out this way, the powerline towers were still under construction. And upon closer inspection, there was still work being done. I cannot imagine doing that job.On our return trip, we met the guys who climbed those towers and expressed our appreciation for their bravery.Even the ubiquitous litter was more interesting than normal.We don’t need no education.Almost like a walk in the parkA bridge crossing we opted not to take.I can see a poser from here!The school in “downtown” Tibag.Some rest in the shadeThe off-road portion of our hike.Out of town in the countryside once again.Hung out to dry on a barbed wire fence.Came across a compound full of native Aeta people.Martin and I offered up some sweet peace offerings.I’ve never seen a chapel quite like this one. I think Jesus would approve.Heading back to NaugsolNot sure what this military checkpoint is all about; one armed soldier manned it. Maybe there is some NPA (National People’s Army, a commie terror group) activity out this way.Keeping my eyes open for those commie bastards, just in case!The river.First one back to the car!
It was another good day for an old man in paradise.
1 thought on “Tibag-ing it”
Martin and I offered up some sweet peace offerings.
Martin and I offered up some sweet peace offerings.
Good thing the Aeta aren’t cannibals!