Third rate romance…

…low rent rendezvous. No significance to today’s post title other than that song came up in my playlist, and it resonated with me for some unknown reason. Go figure.

The reason for the season. I actually have no interest in a cherry girl.

So, I filled my Wednesday in the usual way–walking and drinking. Let’s start with the beers.

Better safe than sorry!

I did my standard feeding session for the Hideaway girls. Last night they dined on fried chicken with ice cream cones for dessert. Actually, they ate the ice cream first, so maybe you have to call it an appetizer.

That chicken wing didn’t stand a chance of escaping Joy’s bite.

A few beers and several lady drinks later; I departed Hideaway without a clear destination in mind. As I walked by Wet Spot, I entered on impulse. Took a seat at a table alone, and my regular waitress brought me a beer. Didn’t see her again after that. My beer was empty, and there were several other waitresses lounging about, but none could be bothered to fetch me another beer. As I was getting up to pay my one-beer tab, my waitress appeared and apologized profusely. I didn’t hear what she said caused the disappearing act, but I wasn’t really pissed at her; just the whole vibe of not being served in a mostly empty bar was irksome. It’s very unusual to get poor service in one of Dave’s bars, so I fully expect it was a one-off that won’t happen again. Still, it chilled my buzz.

Turns out, I was on a roll. As I walked past Sloppy Joe’s, a cute waitress gestured to an empty seat, so I shrugged and sat down. She left without taking my order and never returned. Now, the bar was busy and appeared to be understaffed. My patience level was already at a low ebb though, so I got up and left. As I continued up the highway, the urge to pee hit me near Johansson’s, so I went inside, called for a Zero, and continued to the CR without breaking stride. When I returned, my coveted beer was waiting for me.

Johansson’s wasn’t busy; from my observation, it rarely is. One other guy at the bar and someone else playing pool. The bartender was cute but disinterested in any chit-chat. In fact, chit-chat is two words more than she said to me during the length of my visit. (When you use a hyphen, does that make one word?) I did take a few photos and will do a review of Johannson’s for the Bars of Barretto series soon. One beer and out was my mood last night.

Only one bar left on my side of the highway (Rosie’s was closed), so I made my last stop Queen Victoria. The bartender and the manager gave me a friendly greeting. Then I sat at the bar alone, nursing my beer. One bargirl, in particular, looked quite stunning, but she never approached me. Too bad, I would have bought her a drink in a heartbeat. I guess I’m a stubborn old fucker, but I’m all about fending off the thirsty gals; I don’t initiate. It seemed the bar gods were sending me a message, so I paid my tab. As I was leaving, the sexy girl was sitting alone at a table and said, “goodnight, John.” Oh well, I’ll waste that money somewhere else tonight, I reckon.

Something like that.

I love my boys, but they are not as talented as this dog. Well, Buddy does stand on his hind legs and gives me a hug when I get up in the morning. It’s nice to be loved.

But can he fetch?

So, before we get to yesterday’s hike, when I looked at my Fitbit stats at the end of the day, I was shocked to discover my step count was double my all-time high:

Of course, that’s wrong. For me, 14K is less than 20,000 steps. It’s not the first time I’ve seen the Fitbit skew numbers like that, but once it refreshes the sync, it corrects itself.
See what I mean? A few minutes later and the numbers are recalibrated.

Anyway, we had a great hike, starting in Subic and making our way back towards Tibag. We didn’t go all the way there, went as far as we felt like, then turned around and came back. A little over 7K, all told. It’s beautiful countryside out that way, sparsely populated, and very clean and quiet. It almost felt like a walk in the park. I’ll let the pictures do most of my talking:

More interesting than it appears to be on the map. I’ve done this route one time previously, going from Tibag to Subic over a year ago. Doing it in reverse gave it a different feel. That and my deteriorated memory.
Only four of us were in attendance, so Scott drove his car to the start of our trail. Troy and Ed came along for the ride. Oh yeah, I was there too.
And we are off on our Tibag trek.
Our path featured several water crossings, and this was the only bridge.
I’ve been on worse bridges, but this one is not as sturdy as it appears. Those wood planks were broken and rotting in places. And for some inexplicable reason, there was barbed wire strung under the handrail.
Walkin’ on
First cookie delivery on the day.
I found this water channel rather aesthetically pleasing.
A roof over your head, but not much else.
At first, we could cross the stream by stepping on rocks.
Not as easy as it appears, though.
Later crossings offered no other option but to plunge on in. Once your shoes get wet, there is freedom from worry about subsequent crossings.

We also encountered lots of carabao during our hike.
Are you looking at my ass? He does look a little horny to me.
A banana farm
Yet another stream crossing
This little sari-sari store in the middle of nowhere is a mystery. No houses nearby that we could see. Not much for sale other than boiled eggs and several bottles of Emperador, the favorite whiskey of the locals. I guess getting drunk is how the natives fill those lonely nighttime hours without electricity. Who’d a thunk it?
Passing through a canopy of bamboo
Well, looky here! A shwimteo (or nipa hut in local parlance). Again, I don’t understand its purpose out here where we have not seen any other people around.
You shall not pass! We didn’t, as prudence dictated, we took an alternative path.
We finally encountered some folks living out here, and I was able to offload some cookies.
We decided this was a good place to turn around and head back to Subic.
A regular cow for a change. Oh, and see that tent? On the way out, a young Filipino couple was pitching it. No idea what they plan to do in there. Okay, I do have some ideas.
Not much litter, but this discarded sign gave me a chuckle for some reason.
Signs of civilization
Crossing the water coming and going
My last cookie delivery
Scott’s last crossing for the day.
It looked prettier in real life
Do you remember where you parked the car, Scott?
Ah, there it is!
And an after-hike lunch back in Barretto at Sit-n-Bull. I had the club sandwich. Excellent, as usual.

And that was how my day went down. It’s good to be alive!

Good thing you didn’t order the meat grinder!
And talk was small when they talked at all
They both knew what they wanted
There was no need to talk about it
They were old enough to scope it out
And keep it loose

She said, "You don't look like my type
But I guess you'll do"
Third rate romance
Low rent rendezvous
And he said, "I'll even tell you that I love you
If you want me to"
Third rate romance
Low rent rendezvous
The story of my life.

2 thoughts on “Third rate romance…

  1. I found this water channel rather aesthetically pleasing.

    A lot of those irrigation channels can be found alongside Korean farms. Nice.

    Club sandwich looks good. Want.

    The dishwasher/sandwich-maker meme reminds me that my buddy Mike, in the States, uses “dead Asian hooker” as a unit of measurement for car trunks. “Ah, that’s a five-dead-Asian-hooker trunk,” he’ll say.

    Regarding compounds: there are several types: closed compounds, hyphenated compounds, and open compounds. Open compounds count as two words because they are literally two separate words (but because they collocate frequently, they’re considered compounds). Closed compounds and hyphenated compounds are considered to be one word.

    schoolchildren (closed = 1 word)
    shithouse (closed = 1 word)
    chit-chat (hyphenated = 1 word)
    pussy-eater (hyphenated = 1 word)
    dining room (open = 2 words)

    Nice walk. Green and beautiful as always. Lots of ambulating beef this time around.

  2. Thanks for the compound word lesson. I’d never really considered how that works numbers-wise. So, I guess I could have said the bartender didn’t say ONE word to me. Good to know!

    Your friend Mike sounds like my kind of guy!

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