The rest of the day

I made it over to Pearl’s place at around 1:30 for our planned excursion out to Baloy Beach. When I arrived there were a couple of folks I knew sitting in the outside area so I joined in with the chit chat. Next thing I know, a plate of wings arrived courtesy of the owner who apparently wants to keep me fat well-fed.

Honey garlic, my favorite item on the menu. So far.
Speaking of the menu, here it is.

Everyone I’ve talked to is impressed by the quality of the offerings and surprised at how inexpensive the food is. I’ve asked Pearl if they can make a profit at those prices and she assures me she has done the math. Sounds like a win-win.

Of course, I couldn’t eat those wings without a beer to wash them down. And then one thing led to another. And another. A couple of Hash buddies came by so it seemed rude to just up and leave. So, it was around 4:30 before Pearl and I finally headed to the beach. I asked if she wanted to walk but she preferred taking a trike. I didn’t argue the point. We did take a brief stroll down the beach before arriving at Laharnz’ place for more liquid refreshment.

A Pearl on the sand…
Me and her.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a guy I know there I hadn’t seen for a while. John and I had a very pleasant chat. We talked some about Derek, a mutual Hash friend, who passed away earlier this year. Derek’s girlfriend returned to her province for a visit and asked John to keep Derek’s ashes while she was gone. John agreed to do so temporarily, but he has some doubts about whether the girlfriend will ever return. If she doesn’t, he said he’d likely just dump the ashes in the bay. I suggested an alternative–have a special Hash in Derek’s honor, then spread the ashes on the Hash trail. That’s how I’d like to be disposed of. John liked the idea and we both acknowledged that Derek isn’t going to care one way or the other. After death ceremonies and rituals are all about the people left behind.

Anyway, it was a nice evening on the beach but it was time to start thinking about dinner. I suggested we head up the beach to Da’ Kudos and have those grilled pork chops I love so much. Pearl enjoyed them too.

After dinner, we went back to her food place, but I was just about out of gas. So, I headed home and Pearl joined me there later. She’s a pretty amazing woman in many ways. Last night I was experiencing some chest congestion and she went into full nurse mode. It was really nice to have someone lovingly taking care of me. I’ve missed that.

This morning we got up and walked the dog, I made us some breakfast, and then she joined me on the Friday group hike. I could get used to this.

Time to get ready and head out for some Friday night darts. I’ll be back with a full report tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “The rest of the day

  1. Sounds like another good restaurant to put into your rotation. I do hope the resto manages to preserve quality while still offering everything at cheap prices. That’s a difficult balance.

  2. Was the John you ran into the one with a girl friend named Mango ? His web page has not been updated in years.

  3. Kev, yeah we’ll see. It’s getting to be a very popular hangout. Had beef quesadilla last night and it was excellent. It was excellent too.

    Terry, no it was a different John. I know the John with Mango also. See him around town sometimes, but not as frequently as I used to. He’s engaged to Mango now. He still puts up a video now and then, but nothing like in the past. I guess we all slow down…

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