Takin’ care of business…

…and workin’ overtime.

Well, not really.  But I am getting some things done.  Had a good meeting with the Special Resident Retirement Visa (SSRV) representative and came away with a whole new list of things to be done.  Some I can do now, others will have to wait until I return in September.

Right now I’m fixin’ to head over to the medical clinic for the exam required for all SSRV applicants.  Then I’ll go to the mall and have 14 2×2 photographs made of my handsome mug.  12 for the SSRV, and two for the bank.  I need to open a Philippine bank account in order to make the required SSRV deposit.

Anyway, I’m getting about by the most common* means of transport in the Philippines (and my least favorite)–the trike.


This is my happy driver from yesterday, anticipating charging me the foreigner tax for a short ride (about twice the fare he could get away with for a local).  Ah well, we’re talkin’ the difference between 50 cents and a dollar here, so I don’t sweat it.  My problem is folding my oversized body into the sidecar.  It ain’t pretty or comfortable, trust me on that!

*I guess the Jeepney might be the most popular means of mass transit, but the trike takes the place of taxi’s, generally.  Although taxi do exist, just not so much in AC.

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