I didn’t do the Hare’s trail yesterday. I didn’t like the hassle of getting to the start way up on Rizal Extension, and I don’t like the Hare or his shitty trails. So, I made my own way. Ashley asked where the trail began, and I gave her the option to join me. She agreed and brought her friend Rose along. They arrived in time for some lunch before our hike.

So, when I cleared the table to serve lunch, I moved my empty box of nebulizer juice to the kitchen counter and put 500 pesos underneath it so my helper could buy more at the drugstore. While enjoying my after Hash beers at Blue Butterfly, my helper sent me a message asking where the 500 pesos went. Yep, apparently, one of my guests decided to help herself to the money. I was both pissed and disappointed. When confronted, they both denied being a thief.
After I got home last night, Ashley messaged me. She didn’t exactly implicate her friend, but she did note that Rose was the last one out of the house when we left for the hike. I also recalled that during lunch, Rose had asked me out of the blue whether I had CCTV. That seemed suspicious then and even more so now. I asked how long Ashley had known Rose, and they met at work a few months ago. Anyway, I suspect Rose is the culprit, but I don’t trust either of them now. Lesson learned for a relatively small amount of money.
My plan for the hike was to do the My Bitch trail and then circle around on the backstreets to the On-Home venue. A couple of kilometers into my hike, I ran into the “sane” Hash group going in the opposite direction. My group joined forces with theirs, and we finished the Hash together. This did require a retreat and retracing of steps in the opposite direction, but no big deal.

Olivia wasn’t around, but I did get to say hello to her daughter Jennifer (mother of those kids above). Pubic Head (Scott) posted these photos of Jennifer today:

Drank my fill of beer, got some takeout food from Sit-n-Bull, then watched a couple more episodes of Lucifer at home. A bit of a roller coaster ride emotionally but live and learn.
It’s nice on ice!
She won the grand prize, obviously.
A bit of a roller coaster ride emotionally but live and learn.
Quite a story. I guess you won’t be inviting either of those ladies back to your place. It’s a shame, but as we get older, we have to guard against people who think they can take advantage of us.
When my great aunt died, and we were going through her mortal possessions, we stumbled upon examples of unsent correspondence that Aunt Gertrude had written to parties who don’t normally write back—lottery organizations and the like. Aunt Gertrude was obviously lonely, especially after the death of her brother (they’d lived together for years, with neither marrying… I think I inherited their genes), and she was at that age where you no longer discriminate between real correspondents and not-so-real ones. She was also the sole remaining curator of a Revolutionary War-era museum called The Spy House (see here; the article mentions Aunt Gertrude by her full name), and I’d heard stories of vultures trying to take advantage of her in her capacity as curator. Scavengers are always circling, so beware.
Looks like Jennifer is pregnant again?
Maybe instead of cookies, you should be handing out birth control on your walks.
Brian, I don’t *think* she’s pregnant now, it looks to me like she just hasn’t lost the baby fat from the last one. I’ll let you know for sure in a couple of months…
It’s also been shocking and hard to understand the apparent aversion to using modern birth control methods here, even among the gals who make a living fucking strangers. It’s a mystery.
Really enjoyed that article featuring your Aunt Gertrude. Have you ever visited the “Spy House”?
Yeah, I’m pretty cautious about inviting strangers into my house so it is especially troubling when you get ripped off by someone you “know”. Shit happens, I suppose.
We used to go there about once a year when I was a kid.