So much to unpack

And I have no power. Nothing like a brownout on moving day. Trust me, that bites. This post will be short and sweet to ensure I finish it before my laptop battery is depleted.

The “truck” I hired turned out to be a trike with a sidecar basket. It took five trips with the trike and my drivers car full of crap to complete the move.
It was a little dicey with a heavy load of a fridge and freezer, but we got it done without an accident.
Now I have to unpack and rehang things like the television.
Turns out Lucky didn’t want to move

When it came time to load the dogs, Lucky wouldn’t come. When I reached under the table to pick him up, he went into full attack mode. He was out for blood and he got it, inflicting several deep bites. A couple are still oozing blood hours later.

The finger bite is most painful
The arm bite is plenty deep.
And another on the front of the arm.

So, Lucky has now literally bit the hand of the one who feeds him. He is that stupid and disloyal. My first response was to retaliate in kind, but I let him live despite my anger. I’m still not sure how I will deal with this long-term, but at the moment, I’m feeling no love. He is still at the other house, but my helper will dog-walk him back here later. As of now, my plan is to make him an outside dog 100% of the time. I don’t want to be around him.

Power is not due to be restored until 5 p.m. It is hot inside with no fans to stir the air. I hope I haven’t moved into a cursed house. Nothing to do but ride it out.

My daughter messaged me this morning asking if I had a picture of her when she was in the Homecoming Court during high school. It seems my eldest granddaughter (the one who just turned eighteen) is following in Mama’s footsteps.

My daughter Renee with me as her escort all those years ago.

While I was searching for that photo above, I came across pictures of some houses from my past.

My house in Lexington, South Carolina. With my Dodge Ram pickup truck and Jeep Grand Cherokee in the driveway. Damn, I was living large back then.
And that’s where I lived in Stafford, Virginia.

Let’s hope my life here on Bryce Street in Barangay San Isidro, Subic, is a good and long one!

4 thoughts on “So much to unpack

  1. Sorry to read about Lucky biting you several times. I hope you’re getting that checked out by a professional.

    I wonder whether Lucky is more loyal to locations than to people.

    At least your stuff got moved, so there’s that. Putting everything in place while dealing with dog bites, though, is going to be annoying and painful. Here’s hoping that this bit of bad luck shoos away any other potential bad luck as opposed to being the beginning of a landslide of bad luck. Fingers and tentacles crossed.

  2. I never thought a dog can attack his master…and never they a problem moving in…I have dogs the we moved from house to another house because our master couldn’t find the right place for him…so our dogs has to follow…but we did not find any problem with them moving with us…maybe u forced him…u could have been gentle with him…poor Lucky…he thought he was being moved away from you…I really pity him…u still need to walk him from old house to tje new house so he will be used to the place.

  3. Ouch. That dog should be summarily dismissed. Just think if he bit a stranger, female friend or, god forbid, a child. You really don’t want trouble with police, courts, angry family members etc.

  4. Ouch!! Surprised that happened with Lucky.

    Second the thought about getting things checked with a doc. Dog bites (and people bites) are notorious for causing infections.

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