Why not? What else is there to do? Oh, Vienna Sausage (Guenter) is the Hare? Well, how bad can it be? Let’s go!
Oddly enough, the trail was not all that bad. Yes, the anticipated steep up but it was at the beginning before my strength had ebbed. And it was a new path I had actually been curious about, so now I know not to do it again! The down was steep and semi-treacherous and there were better and less dangerous ways to go, but again, no surprise that this Hare took the hard way. Actually, the biggest complaint besides my usual whining was that the trail was poorly marked. Saw quite a few Hashers along the way who had lost the trail. My group did too on one occasion and we had to spend several minutes looking for the trail again later. That’s very unusual for Guenter.
Anyway, here’s some pictures from the afternoon:
The trail from above. The yellow line is the longer version. I also bypassed the last mountain, so had a more comfortable 6K hike.Gathering at the starting point.Getting last-minute guidance from the Hare.The hard up. This wasn’t hiking, it was literally climbing. I would not have even attempted it. Fortunately, there was an easier start to the ascent for those who desired it.Note that I said “easier” not easy.Hard and steep it was.Damn!Onward and upward.Did I mention it was steep?Let’s catch our breath and enjoy the view.And we still ain’t at the top!Back at it.This “scarehasher” didn’t deter us…Watch out for that fence!Finally some relatively flat ground…“No, I ain’t shittin’ you. I started WAY down there!”What goes up, must come down.We didn’t see that coming! Actually, we did and thus posed for this picture. What we didn’t see was the strand of barbed wire stretched about one inch off the ground. Luckily for me, Pubic Head tripped over it first.Looking down on the way down…And no, I didn’t forget to snap a shot of Easter mountain. I know y’all look forward to that!Yes, you are!You still with us, Pubic Head?I don’t know what she is doing, but I like it!Going down, down, down…Of course, this is the easy part. Once it got steep, rocky, and slippery I couldn’t be bothered with pictures. It took all I had to keep my feet!Well, well, well. I made it down with only one time on my ass. Not bad for a Guenter trail!On the ice!Gash ass on the ice…Slot Licker with the Hashit,Bush Diver was recognized for 300 runs with the Subic Bay Hash. All the more impressive because he lives in Angeles City and makes the two-hour trip every week.After the circle, I had dinner at Sit-n-Bull, then a nightcap at Mango’s. A nice way to finish the Hash Monday.And so concludes another Hash post. Hope you enjoyed it!
1 thought on “Shall we Hash?”
Most excellent. Too bad about the poor trail markings, but at least the trail as a whole wasn’t that awful. Beware the barbed wire!
Most excellent. Too bad about the poor trail markings, but at least the trail as a whole wasn’t that awful. Beware the barbed wire!