Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you—just nothing significant or out of the ordinary to report. I guess I’ve been blessed not to be cursed to live in interesting times. At least I’ve got some photos of my daily blessings to share with you all.

You can Relive the hike here if you are so inclined.
An after-hike nap and shower, then a visit from Joy. She gave me a satisfying massage; and then I treated her to an early dinner at Sit-n-Bull.

After our meal, we parted company. I headed up the highway to It Doesn’t Matter. On the way, I ran into my old friend, Wendy.

Ran into my new buddy Chris at IDM, and we shared some nice chat and beers while we waited for the weekly charity raffle drawing to commence.

After the raffle wound up, I decided to check on my friend Bhel at the Outback bar.

While I was enjoying my beer and the music, my phone rang. That almost never happens. It was my friend from the Kamto restobar telling me that the other Johns were there and asking where I was. Also, they wanted me to be their DJ. Well, it is good to be wanted, and Kamto was right next door, so I headed over. Good times fueled by copious amounts of beer drinking were the order of the evening. One of the other John’s goal was to keep me up best my usual 9 p.m. bedtime. He succeeded, but not by much. Made it to bed by 10.
Obviously, I haven’t begun my beer hiatus yet, but I’m thinking about it. Need to do some more calculations yet.

And that’s how my day went. I’ve had worse.
If you’re looking for something new to do, how about getting a team of volunteers together to clean up those creeks and rivers? I know you’ve said in the past that the trash would simply reappear, but that just means your team would have constant work!
Not sure I understood the “Speaking of blessings” caption. As in, “Count your blessings”?
Maybe a group of foreigners picking up trash would shame the locals into refraining from their littering obsession. I doubt it, though. I don’t think I’d want to wade into that river water…I’m pretty sure there is more than garbage to contend with.
Yeah, the caption was kind of intentionally ambiguous. Seeing the decrepit housing made me feel blessed for what I have, but I also realized people live under much worse conditions, so the residents could also rightfully feel blessed.
Yeah, I don’t get the “tossing trash wherever” thing that is going on there.
Have to change the whole culture I guess. But, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step……
(BTW, waitress on the right in your Outback pic is a cutie. At least from that pic)
Yes, she definitely qualifies as a cutie. The other one has a smokin’ hot body too. And Bhel is looking good for being in her mid-40s.
I thought back to when I was growing up and all those anti-littering commercials with the crying Indian. I think a similar campaign over a generation could maybe make littering less socially acceptable. Even more effective than the commercials was the whack I’d get upside the head from my father if he saw me throwing trash on the ground.