Rolling thunder

Yesterday was pretty much a typical day here in paradise. Started off with a shopping excursion. Had planned to get some stuff at the mall on base, but arrived at 0930 to discover the mall doesn’t open until 11. Seriously, who opens at 11:00?!

Had my driver take me over to try the Puregold grocery store for the first time. I was kind of impressed with some of the selections, but very disappointed with their frozen foods and meat options. Got what I could find, then moved to the Royal supermarket and got the rest. Was surprised that I spent nearly $300., but I’ve given up worrying about prices. If I want it I get it. Anything left over I’ll spend on the bargirls. Ha! That’s a joke. Sort of.

Did an afternoon two hour sweaty walk along the beaches. As I approached home I could see the clouds building up and the ominous sound of thunder.

This is how it looked from my balcony…

I glanced out the window thirty minutes later and was shocked to see this:

I couldn’t get to my phone camera quick enough to get a decent picture, but a friend posted this on facebook.
That’s out over the bay, so it’s technically a waterspout, not a tornado. Still quite a chilling sight to behold!

And then the storm passed on by with nary a drop of rain. Which suits me just fine. I had copious amounts of liquid in the form of beer last night anyway. And then this morning I awoke to this:

The rainbow looked better in person, but you get the idea. A hopeful beginning to the day!

Oh, and I threw the dog a bone…

He’s my good Buddy boy…

Later this afternoon I’ll be rolling on out to Angeles City. The nephew is flying in from Korea for a visa renewal run weekend. His plane arrives at Clark airport at 12:30 a.m., so we’ll stay over in AC and return to Barretto later on Saturday morning.

And that’s where things stand in my little corner of the world…

2 thoughts on “Rolling thunder

  1. May your nephew have a pleasant stay. What sort of visa is he on that he has to do visa runs? This is the Korean-fluent nephew, right? You’d think he’d have a permanent-resident visa by now.

    Awesome pic of the waterspout, even if you didn’t take it. I love the irony of the “welcome” message written on that wall.

    Buddy looks happy and healthy and well cared-for. I hope that domestic life is eroding his wanderlust.

  2. I’ll have to ask him about the visa…I know he was here on a teaching visa and when that contract didn’t renew, he got one of those “6 months to look for another job” visas. I assume he got a job and has to exit prior to a new work visa being issued.

    Buddy’s a spoiled brat, but I love him anyway. He has escaped a couple of times but always comes back home now. That’s progress.

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