Rockin’ in the free world

Damn, I’ve never been a patient man but some people are getting on my last nerve. I posted on Facebook about my trip to the supermarket in Olongapo yesterday. One guy commented that I should have stayed in Barretto. Another one said I only posted to make people who can’t go to Olongapo jealous. I was a little drunk frustrated and responded: “I go where I want, why don’t you?” Which led to a third commenter saying: “Do you have respect for the lockdown? If everyone just went where they like the situation would be out of control.” Oh brother, some folks need to get a life.

It seems like it has almost come to this. The guys who went hiking up Easter mountain posted their pic at the summit but said the photo was from 2008. As obviously tongue in cheek as that was, they still got called out by the do-gooder nanny state crowd. Heaven help us!

In somewhat related news, I ventured out to “Gomans” yesterday afternoon and was pleasantly surprised to find they were still open for business. Apparently, someone had dropped a dime on them, but they were able to bribe convince the police that they were technically in compliance with the quarantine standards. I’m not sure how. The main difference is that now you are not allowed to sit in the bar area. Instead, folks are confined to the back patio where they are permitted to drink while waiting on their take out food order.

So that’s exactly what I did. It took me about an hour to decide what to order, and by the time my food arrived (grilled pork chops) it was time to head home in advance of the curfew. Win-Win!

I also performed something of a rescue mission yesterday. An acquaintance of mine has been stuck on the other side of the river under Subic’s jurisdiction. They make it hard for folks to get into Barretto. He’s been out of beer and money for a while and his girlfriend messaged that he was going crazy. So, I showed them the “back way” into Barretto, avoiding the checkpoints by coming in through Alta Vista.

On this familiar path…

So, he was able to get to a functioning ATM and score some beer. He’s also friends with a hotel owner in town that is still open and is operating the bar in a speakeasy fashion. Apparently my good deed will now provide me access to another place to enjoy a cold beer when the need arises. Woo Hoo!

Buddy says all this lockdown bullshit is as tiresome as a post about it on LTG. Sorry! What else am I going to write about?

Facebook brought back these happy memories from my time in Korea:

One of my all-time favorite Konglish examples.
“That’s a nice uniform, baby. Can I talk you out of it?”

Yeah, yeah, I know. It didn’t happen that way at all. But I’ve been working on rewriting history.

Keep on rockin’ in the free world!

4 thoughts on “Rockin’ in the free world

  1. From Frank Herbert’s Dune comes this now-famous Bene Gesserit mantra:

    I must not fear.
    Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.
    Only I will remain.

  2. Your sure have your share of “do gooders?” The 911 service here is being overwhelmed by callers reporting stay at home violators. There may be a place for do gooders but it’s gone to far.

    No shortage of beer, but now hearing meat supply at risk. Oh well, step out my door and shoot Bambi.

    Still snowing this AM

    Sister is positive but not symptomatic. Tough old broad that beat cancer.

  3. Yeah, it is pretty shocking to see what is taking place in what are otherwise known as “free countries”. But it also illustrates just how fragile those freedoms we take for granted truly are. If you ever wondered how the state can so easily dominate a population look no further than your fellow citizens who enable at every opportunity. That is the sad part to me.

    Good luck to your sister, Jerry. These are good times to be a “tough old broad”. You stay safe too.

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