Risky business

Risk is always better than regret.

I’m not so sure about that but I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Meeting up with Jessa today for a late lunch and…well, who knows where things might go? It’s probably too soon to be starting a relationship but according to Jessa, we are just dating. Whatever in the hell that means. We shall see I reckon.

Got rained on during the Hash yesterday. That’s not so unusual this time of year. But the water turned the dirt to mud and the mud made the trail a slippery mess. The downhills were especially risky. I did manage to keep on my feet, no regrets about that!

The trail was around 5K with a couple of moderate climbs. Not bad.
Mangoes grow wild in these parts and what doesn’t get harvested wind up rotting on the ground.
Speaking of rotting on the ground, I came across this laying in my path far out in the wilds. No idea what it is, other than heart-shaped and with the barely visible word “love” inscribed. Were the Gods sending me a message? And if so, what were they trying to convey?
Mountain living at its finest.
A fat old guy making his way uphill…
Pausing to dispense with some candy for the kids. Bouncing Booby lent a hand…
One of the views from the trail…
Pubic Head, Bouncing Booby, and Buddy Fucker were bringing up the rear.
On-Home was once again at Derelict’s house. Hashers hanging out by the pool.
And I was honored to sit at the old dudes’ table…
Some of the Gash (female Hashers) brought some food to cook on the grill.
Double digits. Bloody Monday has completed 33 Hash runs. She had to sit on the ice and look up to me and my 99 runs. She seemed disappointed that the black thing was my belt…
And so concludes another Hash post.

Now it’s time to prepare for my date. I hope I don’t regret it, but that’s the risk I’ve got to take.

4 thoughts on “Risky business

  1. This pursuit, panting after Jessa is heading for a crash. Get past it and move on or make moves to have her panting for you. Can’t tell you how. Just the the what.
    Wishing you the best.

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