Resting my mind

Another nothing Tuesday is behind me. Well, next to nothing anyway.

Got my groceries for the week. Hit two stores, Pure Gold and Royal, in an effort to secure some essentials I’ve been unable to find. Not much luck, although, I was able to score some frozen fruits to feed my smoothie addiction.

I’d prefer to get strawberries in a bag by themself, but sometimes you just have to accept what you can get. Never heard of this brand either, but the Arabic writing I guess is a clue.

Went to get a haircut but my transgender barber wasn’t in. I did see “mama”, the homeless woman I help out, laying underneath her umbrella in front of a closed hotel. As I approached she sat up, and I asked if she had been sleeping. “No, I was just resting my mind”. I don’t know why, but that cracked me up. We should probably all take the time to do that regularly.

Played darts in the tourney, drew a good partner and achieved first out status. That’s where you play so poorly you are the first to be eliminated from the tournament. It was just one of those nights when we were both off our game and got our asses kicked. Oh well, it happens.

On the bright side, I was able to escape the confines of Alley Cats and make my way to my beachside stool at Mango’s. Ordered up my favorite dish, the grilled pork chops, and they didn’t disappoint. A nice way to finish off a rather boring and lazy day.

And it is good to be alive, regardless. We had another death in our little town this week–John Francis Kingsley. I actually didn’t know the man personally but had met him at last year’s VFW Beach Bash.

JFK playing the role of Donald Trump for our entertainment.

I learned of his passing when I saw the announcement posted in front of the house I didn’t know was his.

By all accounts, he was one of the good guys. RIP kind sir.

Although I didn’t know Jack or where he lived, I had previously noticed the house with envy.

It would be so cool to have a treehouse like this one in the yard.

I’ll have to keep my eyes open to see if a “for rent” sign appears out front.

That’s all the news from here. But I do have these tidbits to share:

Yep, tell me about it.
Is there anything beer can’t do?
A great movie that could never be made today. They’d all get canceled by a Woke mob.

And finally, this one is for you, Kevin Kim:

When I was with USFK, we had lots of contractors working for us. Or is that a contradiction? Okay, I’ll sign off now.

2 thoughts on “Resting my mind

  1. I was thinking that, with the Arabic text on the package, those frozen berries must be halal.

    Speaking of a lack of contractions: if you’ve never seen the Coen Brothers’ remake of “True Grit” (this time starring Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn), I highly recommend it. The Coen Brothers love to give their characters very specific verbal quirks in each movie, and in their “True Grit,” that quirk is the avoidance of contractions.

    “I do not know this man.”
    “You do not varnish your opinion.”

  2. So, the writing on the bag is telling me to go to halal?

    Geez, I don’t remember hearing about that remake or reading your review. Thanks for the heads up! I’ve always enjoyed the Coen bros spin on things.

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