Remember the Ringwraiths!

One of my old smartass putdowns when arguing was that “I’ve forgotten more than you’ll ever know”. I fear that it may actually be coming true, at least the forgetting part. It goes beyond mere absent-mindedness; today I walked out for my hike and forgot to put on my hat. To make that failure even worse, I had gone upstairs earlier for the specific purpose of getting the ballcap I’d forgotten earlier. Took a pee and forgot the hat again.

But what really bothers me is the parts of my life that are just fading away. Last night laying in bed and waiting for sleep to overtake me I started thinking back to my youth on Milton Avenue in Westminster, California. Heh, I remember my address (13892) but what about the friends I grew up with? I remembered some of them, like Rod McClanahan and Darrol McCue who lived on my street. There were other buddies too that I can vaguely recall but some have fallen into a black hole. I remember I drove a friend’s sports car through a brick wall. Yeah, I was high or drunk. Or both.

The car looked like this before the accident. I remember it was a Triumph TR4 but I don’t remember the owner’s name.

There were a lot of empty spots like that in my memory and I found it disconcerting. So it was rather surprising when I got a message from my high school buddy Rod Headlee this morning:

Do you remember who the members of the Ringwraiths softball team were the year we won the championship game two to one?

Are you kidding me? That would have been 1974 and I honestly hadn’t thought of those guys since the turn of the century. [UPDATE: 2010 anyway] Coincidentally, some of the names would have been the same ones I couldn’t remember from the night before. I remembered playing softball of course and our team name but had no recollection of our championship season.

Now, Rod and I are Facebook friends. But his message this morning was the first time I’d heard from him in three years. Last time I saw Rod and his wife Pat was back on New Year’s Day in 2012 on his sailboat in North Carolina. Yep, they live on the boat most of the time and travel the world from their West Coast base. Not bad for a guy who’s a couple of years older than me. Anyway, his message today out of the blue took me aback. And after I confessed I couldn’t really remember more than a couple of the players, I asked how he was doing. He responded that he had some plumbing to do and would get back to me later. Maybe another three years?

And as if to underscore the point I’m attempting to make with this post (and which I might have forgotten by now) I did a quick search of my blog archives and found this post from 2010 featuring this photograph:

No, I didn’t remember ever posting about the Ringwraiths until now. But this has triggered some memories. Back row: #66 is Jim Meehan, #13 is Rod Headlee, #6 is Larry Raemakers. Front row: #12 Paul Martin, next to him Dutch something or other, Chuck Martin, don’t recall #24, #35 is Doug Price and #22 is my brother Keith.
Oh, and that handsome #7 looks awfully familiar…

So, I don’t know whether I should feel good about remembering some more names after seeing the photo or not. The “Dutch” guy was my pot supplier and my first wife’s ex-boyfriend. It’s scary to me though that I don’t recall my old post or the fact that we were league champions.

Rod also reminded me that we attended a massive outdoor rock concert that year called California Jam.

I don’t really remember this either. But in my defense, I was very likely stoned out of my mind at the time.

Oh well, this has been an interesting trip (and fall) down memory lane. At least for me. I forgot I’m writing for an audience that probably gave up on this post after the first paragraph. If you are still here, thank you for your indulgence!

As bad as I may be, at least I’m not China’s bitch.

Or puppet as it were.

Now if I could only figure out how to lose the bad memories.

5 thoughts on “Remember the Ringwraiths!

  1. Good thing you’ve got a blog to store a lot of those memories for you. I feel similarly, especially re: distance walking. I’m glad I blogged those trips, taking pictures and writing notes, because I inevitably forget the little details, and those blogs help spark forgotten recollections. The blogs aren’t so much for posterity as they are an investment against my inevitable senility. Of course, one day, we’ll all be too senile to remember even our own names. But as the now-infamous Bill Cosby used to say: “Don’t worry about senility. When it happens, you won’t know.”

  2. See? My memory is indeed draining away. Cosby’s actual quote:

    “Don’t worry about senility. When it hits you, you won’t know it.”

  3. Ahh, those senior moments . Looks like I lived just up the road from you in Garden Grove . Also stationed in Korea in 1963 and came back for a vacation in 2013. We may have passed by each other at some point. I do enjoy your posts !

  4. I thought Cosby’s most famous quote was “don’t worry, when you wake up in the morning you’ll forget I raped you”. Or something like that.

    Yeah, the blog proved to be a useful reminder of things forgotten, that’s for sure. I’ve thought about someday going through and finding my favorite posts to publish as a memoir. Something to leave behind so my grandkids would know something about their mysterious grandfather. Maybe I better get started before I forget!

  5. Hey Terry, looks like we were practically neighbors. I actually lived in Garden Grove from birth until age 5. I can’t imagine the difference between Korea in 1963 and the one you saw in 2013!

    Thanks for the comment and for reading my humble blog.

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