Or maybe this post is down and dirty. One of those.
I enjoyed the sunrise this morning.

Anyway, just a quick update on my love life. I still haven’t got one. But that’s okay. I did get some news about Iline (remember her?) that left me feeling a little disconcerted. A friend of mine who wasn’t privy to my former relationship with Iline mentioned that she had met a friend of his and they have fallen madly in love. He also told me that she broke things off with her Canadian boyfriend when she met this new guy. What could I say other than good for her. Still, that was the one thing I wanted her to do before I went all in and she wouldn’t or couldn’t do it. Granted, I never asked her to, in fact, I intentionally left it entirely up to her–do what makes you happy–was how I left it. She wanted it both ways though and in the end, I had to walk away. Not without feeling some pain and regret though. So maybe this news tells me all I need to know about who she is and what we had. Perhaps I am indeed the lucky one. Oh, and I removed all the password protection from my previous posts about her. She’s free of the former boyfriend now so her cheating with me is no longer an issue.
In unrelated but somewhat coincidental news, I heard from Mary yesterday for the first time in a long time. She’s the sexy 22-year old I met on the street a few months back. Last I’d heard she was working in a bar here in Barretto. Our final get-together had been completely unsatisfying and I was resolved to be done with her for good. Well, she gave me the whole song and dance about how she misses me and wanted to see me. I reminded her of our last encounter and she promised this time she’d do better. I told her that I wasn’t going to pay her 5000 pesos again and she said that was fine–pay what I want or nothing at all. Hmm. Well, I had to give her credit for upping her game over these past couple months. I guess working in a bar will do that. After some back and forth I finally relented and agreed to meet her.
Turns out my original instinct was correct. She was 30 minutes late and as standoffish as ever. Still looked smoking hot though. Oh well, took her upstairs and did the deed, and once again it was less than special. While she was in the bathroom afterward, she messaged me asking if I would give her 5000 pesos. I simply responded “no”. As she was leaving I stuffed 3000 pesos in her pocket and told her that’s the going rate for a short time in Barretto and then I sent her on her way.
What the fuck is wrong with me? Oh yeah, now I remember. I’m a whore. Might as well embrace it. I blame Joe Biden!
Life goes on despite the occasional wrenching experiences.
A very nice walk this morning with my Friday group. More on that tomorrow. Time for me to get out and about. It is almost gin and soda o’clock!
“She’s free of the former boyfriend now[,] so her cheating with me is no longer an issue.”
Or so you hope! Heh.
As for Mary… why, why, why, why, why, John? Ya’ gotta stop thinking with your dick, man.
Sex-addiction Self-assessment
(presented only half in jest)
Darn. Kevin beat me to it. (Mary)
The simple answer to the “why” question is: because I can. Seriously, I’m a living, breathing male version of the species and a sexy young female is willing to fuck me, why should I say no? Alright, I found out (or more aptly, was reminded) of why paid for sex is not all that fulfilling. Well, she was filled, but you know what I mean. I had no aspirations or interests other than satisfying my urge. If I’m not going to have a girlfriend this is pretty much my only option. It’s just Mary isn’t good at it.
I answered three questions affirmatively on the quiz you linked, Kevin. I guess that makes me an addict or perv or something. Oh well.
Call me old-fashioned but when I get the urge I break out a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue and a picture of Jisoo from the girl-band BlackPink. I then set Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters into motion. When the deed is done I whisper sweet- nothings to her picture till I gently fall asleep. But hey! I get it McCrarey, There’s Something About Mary. I saw the film. Peace Out!
HaHa! Whatever gets you through the night, Soju! No worries, I’m done with Mary. I really, really mean it this time!
On the bright side, I’m leaving my married neighbor alone. I’d call that progress!
I answered three questions affirmatively on the quiz you linked, Kevin. I guess that makes me an addict or perv or something. Oh well.
I confess I took the self-assessment while trying to role-play you. I initially checked off four items, but then I went back after a few hours, did the thing again—more soberly this time—and ended up checking off only two. So I guess my average is three, which means I could be a so-so FBI profiler. Heh.
That’s funny! My affirmatives didn’t seem like they were necessarily bad to me though…