Past remembering

This a rare morning post here at LTG, but I have a full day ahead of me, so I’m in “now or never” territory. I’ll be heading out to Angeles City in a couple of hours to participate in the ACH3 anniversary Hash run. Pubic Head and some of our Harriettes will be sharing the ride with me. Something different for my Sunday, and hopefully, we’ll all have fun.

Here’s how I filled those Saturday hours:

A sloppy-looking but tasty breakfast burrito got my day off to a good start.

I did my usual Saturday morning Barretto street walk.

Just under 8K, and I managed a 12.30 per kilometer pace, which is moving out for me.
Right outside the subdivision gates, I observed this fallen bamboo tree caught up in the power lines. I fear there may be a “brownout” in my future (the power company is not big on preventive maintenance.)

During my solo walks, I wear my headphones and listen to music on Spotify. The playlists are usually full of songs that I’m familiar with, but every once in a while, I hear something new that resonates with my current mood. Yesterday I listened to a John Prine tune called “Clay Pigeons” for the first time. Here’s the verse that made me say, “who wrote this?” as I walked along (yeah, I must have looked like a crazy guy talking to myself on the street):

I'm tired of runnin' round lookin' for answers
To questions that I already know
I could build me a castle with memories
Just to have somewhere to go
Count the days and the nights
That it takes to get back in the saddle again
Feed the pigeons some clay
Turn the night into day
And start talkin' again
When I know what to say

So, when I got back home, I looked at John Prine’s Wikipedia page and discovered that he didn’t write the song above; it was a cover version of the one written by someone named Blaze Foley, whom I’d never even heard of before. His wiki page revealed a life even more convoluted than mine–no wonder I liked his song!

But hey, there’s more to life than searching for obscure information on the internet.

There’s also baking. Like this carrot cake. It turned out yum! I also made a batch of brownies for the Hideaway girls.

Yes, I had to do my Sunday feeding last night because I don’t expect I’ll be back from my trip to AC in time to hit the bars.

And I know my readers look forward to seeing Joy enjoy her meal–roast chicken last night.

One of my ex-girlfriends was at the bar with her new beau, and it was good to see her happy. I can’t help but lament how things might have been if I was better at being a boyfriend, but that’s the way it seems to go for me.

I also encountered my most recent ex at my next beer stop. We are on friendly terms too, but those wounds aren’t entirely healed yet. No real regrets; I wasn’t a good fit for her either.

It was weird, though, that this appeared in my Facebook feed while I was in her presence.

Anyway, there’s someone for me somewhere. Or maybe not. This solitary life could be my destiny. God may be saying, “WTF, dude? How many chances do you expect in one lifetime? And oh, by the way, about that lifetime–it ain’t gonna last forever.”

This seems strangely apt.

But I’m living in the land where miracles do happen. Especially if you can afford to pay for them. Speaking of which, a girl I was plying with drinks last night was telling me all the right things. She either really likes me or she is really good at her job. We shall see.

Meet Jenn. I lifted this photo from her Facebook page. I’ve got to say I find her incredibly attractive. Of all the bargirls in Barretto, I like her the best.

Am I headed for bliss or for trouble? Time will tell, so stay tuned here at LTG!

10 thoughts on “Past remembering

  1. I’m betting on “trouble.” History is on my side with this one. Heh. Still, I will wish you good luck, Creature. Just remember: if you want to know what she really thinks, tell her you don’t have much money.

    And good luck with today’s walk!

  2. Yeah, I agree with Kevin. No need to repeat my thoughts on that in a long post (at least not today. LOL)

    Wasn’t there a show a while back that was a version of the Bachelorette? But instead of a straight boy meets girl, the girls thought that they were competing for a millionaire bachelor. Only after he picked a girl, it was revealed that he actually did not have any money.

  3. Brian, well, my tongue was a little bit in my cheek–I don’t have any serious expectations with Jenn. I find her more attractive than most, and she talks a good game–which makes her a standout among her peers.

    Still, I’m considering asking her out on a “real” date just to gauge her response. You never know until you try.

    So, what happened when the truth was revealed on Bachelorette?

  4. Kev, well, my eyes are wide open, and my expectations are low. That should help alleviate the potential for disaster somewhat. I don’t want to become so cynical that I never even give it a shot, though. I plan to test the waters a bit more and then maybe ask her out to dinner. We’ll see.

  5. So long as you’re not the guy who goes around thinking the stripper really likes him!

    (Full disclosure: I stole that thought from a comment I saw on YouTube in a different context.)

  6. I meant the exes you mentioned.

    Now I see that you said ‘my most recent ex’ , and I remembered that you’d decided to be more discreet about writing about the important people in your life , and those who specifically wouldn’t enjoy seeing their lives all splashed on the internet like this.

    Carry on

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