Out of this world

Greetings from the Philippines! I’ve been hard at work on my “to do” list.

Accomplishing the second item always makes my day!

Some days surviving is more challenging than others. Today for some crazy reason I decided to walk to Olongapo City. Similar to the hike I did with the Wednesday Walkers last week, except I took the National Highway into town. That’s always a thrill!

That’s me whistling past the graveyard. The Highway didn’t get me. This time anyway.

Alright, let me ‘fess up to the crazy reason for making that long ass walk. Last Wednesday as we were coming down the mountain into Olongapo I spotted a young woman with the most beautiful smile. I smiled back and she waved at me. And then we both smiled at each other some more. Of course, I was with the group and had to keep moving on, but damn! And she’s been in my mind ever since. It was one of “those” moments that felt like a spontaneous connection and I started the “what if?” thought process.

Like the love-starved sap that I am I made a drunken resolution last night to go back today and try and find her. I kinda sorta remembered the path that led past her house and that it was near the top of a humongous set of stairs we were descending that day. Of course, even if I found the path I realized spotting her house again was unlikely and even if I managed that it was against all odds that she would be home and smiling out the window at me once more as I passed. But by God, if love is my destiny I will not be denied without a fight!

So, by taking the highway route it meant I would be ascending the stairs this time, assuming I could find them. I did take one set up that resulted in a dead end so it was back down to the highway. But then a few minutes later I came upon some familiar looking steps and once again began my climb.

Would these truly prove to be my Stairway to Heaven?
Looking back down on Olongapo from halfway up the stairs. I recalled that the future love of my life was last seen near the top, so with my heart pounding (literally) I continued climbing.

And then it happened. Almost like in a fairy tale. I saw a familiar looking house and then suddenly there she was! Standing out in the yard, looking even more beautiful than I remembered (before I’d only seen her face, she has a very nice body as well!). And when she smiled at me I knew for sure it was her. But this time it was a shy and almost sad smile. And the Filipino man (husband or boyfriend) standing next to her was not smiling at all.

I nodded, mumbled a greeting, and kept on walking. Turns out I wasn’t willing to fight for her after all.

Am I really this pathetic? Why, yes. Yes I am!

Anyway, I continued on until I reached the top of the mountain.

And I followed the ridge road that eventually led me down to the beach for the sad and lonely walk home.
And I shouted down from the mountain to Barretto “WHERE ARE YOU HIDING MY LOVE?”

All was not lost however. My friends at Fitbit determined to reward my efforts in the mountains and on the stairways with a brand new badge for my collection.

I love it!

My day will come. I just got to keep on surviving!

I’ve just seen a face,
I can’t forget the time or place
Where we just met.
She’s just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We’ve met, mm-mm-mm-m’mm-mm

Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way
And I’d have never been aware.
But as it is I’ll dream of her
Tonight, di-di-di-di’n’di.

Falling, yes I am falling,
And she keeps calling
Me back again.

4 thoughts on “Out of this world

  1. Alas! Well, at least you tried.

    I went back to Gangnam District Office three times, last year, to look for my own lady. Never saw her again. I kick myself for not telling her, on the day we met, that she could use my contact info to gimme a call any ol’ time.

    I might try to visit the office again. We’ll see. But I want to get back down to 117 kg first.

  2. Wow! I thought you DIDN’T go back! Okay, well like you said all you can do is try. And it only takes once for the stars to align and everything changes.

    Or not.

  3. Yeah, I don’t know what the deal was. I naively assumed she’d be at the same work station no matter what day it was, but I guess I forgot I was in Korea, where things like consistency and systematicity are low, low priorities. Reality is always slipping out from underneath your feet here. I should’ve known better.

    If I go back, the only thing I can think to do is whip out my alien-registration card and tell a staffer, “I’m trying to find the woman who wrote this [my new address] on the back of my ARC.” Maybe that will summon her. Stay tuned!

    As for your Lady of the Mountain Path… maybe that wasn’t her husband. Maybe it was her brother…?

  4. The look on his face was more in keeping with “why are you smiling at my wife?” than one of brotherly love.

    Good luck tracking down your gal. Odds are of course that even if you find her it will come to naught. But, a one in a million chance at a once in a lifetime love is still worth the effort. That’s how I see it anyway…

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