Out of sorts

Once again I apologize for the lack of regular posting here. My schedule and routines remain disrupted and unpredictable as I accommodate the demands of having a girlfriend. I’m not complaining mind you, just offering an explanation. As I continue to adjust to this new normal I’m hopeful I’ll be able to develop some consistency in my daily rituals.

In the old days it was pretty much like this every day: wake up between four and five each morning. Catch up on the world’s happenings via my favorite blogs and websites. Feed and walk the dogs. Walk myself, either alone or with the group hikers. Take a nap. Blog here at LTG. Shower and head out for an evening of beer drinking, darts, and hanging out with my bargirl friends. Back home and in bed between nine and ten. Rinse and repeat.

Here in the good new days, it is much more unpredictable. Yesterday is a good example. When my sweetheart spends the night I’m not so early to rise. When we did get up, I enjoyed sharing a cup of coffee and morning chat in lieu of my internet pursuits. My dog walk included escorting my gal out of the neighborhood where she got a trike back to her home in Subic. I returned home, had a bite to eat, perused some of my regular internet reads, then it was time to head out for the Friday group hike.

We had a nice jaunt of almost 10K and finished up at a place, now popularly known as the Car Wash due to its proximity to a car wash), for lunch and beers. Now, normally after an hour or so, I’d return home, blog, nap, shower, and go play darts. That was my plan until it was preempted by my girl’s request that I stay with her instead. So, I sat there unshowered in my hiking clothes for the remainder of the afternoon and into the evening hours. Good chats with some friends and fellow patrons, lots of cold beers, and of course, the company of the woman I love. We came home together early, around 8 p.m., watched a couple of episodes of Seinfeld, then hit the hay. I’m definitely enjoying the snuggling and cuddling during the night as we sleep.

Anyway, I’m writing this post prior to my morning walk today to ensure I don’t get detoured by unplanned events later in the day. As things stand, we are planning to have lunch together. Who knows what I’ll be doing after lunch. There’s comfort in routines and excitement in not having things go as planned. I reckon that’s part and parcel of living a shared life. It’s a nice change.

Here are some photos I took on yesterday’s hike. I was the only photographer in attendance, so the views and quality of the shots are not up to par with what I usually post, but they are better than nothing I hope.

How we rolled.
Heading out through Alta Vista.
Off the pavement for a bit…
A narrow passage.
We are not going over Easter mountain, we are going around it.
Black Rock isn’t in our immediate future either.
Walk this way!
Our only climb on the day began like this.
A mid-climb breather.
As high as we are going today.
Waiting on the stragglers.
A fixer-upper.
A grassy knoll.
Something shady going on?
Crossing the river…
Carabao in the river.
The day’s rickety footbridge event. No casualties!
The day’s hardy group of hikers.

You can Relive the hike here if you want:

Four years ago my hike looked like this. I think circumstances have improved overall.

Okay, that’s it for this time. I’ll try to get back to being as regular here as my morning poop. Promise!

Stay tuned for the next post!

8 thoughts on “Out of sorts

  1. Good luck finding regularity!

    Glad that things seem to be going well. May you continue to prove me wrong. Maybe Pearl now understands that Dick was the wrong man for her. I hope her mother gets that, too.

    Great pics of the hike.

  2. Damn it, John! I’m happy for you and hope all continues to go well for you but yours is the only blog I read anymore so it’s nice to see daily updates.

  3. Us older guys live vicariously through you. You have to tell the girl friend that the morning coffee is no good without some LTG to go with it.

  4. I’m one of those older guys and always await your adventure. Down to just your blog, Power Line, and a couple of Corvette blogs.

  5. Oh life’s good, it’s worth enjoying with someone u love…u deserve such good things…hopefully this will have a happy ending…it takes two to tango as u said….hope now u dancing together….kombe!!!

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