So yesterday’s date with Jessa went fine for the most part. But something seemed a little off in a way I can’t put my finger on just yet. The date started with her arriving 30 minutes late. I get the whole “Filipina time” cultural thing, but it is still a little offputting. We dined at the Arizona resort, the first time I’ve eaten at one of my favorite restaurants since this whole COVID pandemic hysteria ruined the world as we knew it.

Jessa had a T-bone steak (950 pesos!) and I went with the grilled chicken breast. After our meal, she wasn’t interested in walking back to my place so we took a trike. Upon arrival, I made us some banana smoothies (she preferred no strawberries!) for dessert. Then we opened up some beers and settled into the couch to watch a couple of episodes of The Outsider. It’s based on a Stephen King novel I haven’t read. We’ve watched five of the ten episodes now and I’d rate it a solid “okay”.
Then we went upstairs for boom-boom which was more satisfying than watching television for sure. She really is a sensuous young woman with a very sexy body. Even though she doesn’t shave her legs. Afterward, she asked for a massage which I gladly provided. She didn’t offer to reciprocate. She likes to cuddle when we sleep. I rolled over while sleeping and was hugging a pillow and she nudged me to come back and hold her instead.
Later in the night I actually dreamed about her. In the dream, she told me she loved me. When I awoke and laid there thinking about it I wasn’t sure how that made me feel. And that’s pretty much how I’ve felt since. Ambivalent maybe. Or maybe it’s all just too soon. Or maybe I’m just a fucked up mess when it comes to relationships. I don’t know, maybe I’ll figure it out. There’s nothing wrong with Jessa, like I said, it just feels “off” somehow.
This morning I was up a couple of hours before her. I made up a batch of blueberry muffins and served them with bacon and eggs. She seemed to enjoy the meal. I sent her home with a bottle of wine, some leftover muffins, and a bag of candy for her daughter. As I walked her to the trike stand she asked me if expected her to join me at the Hash. I told her honestly that I didn’t want her to feel obligated to do ANYTHING with me that she didn’t really want to do. I said I know you have no interest in Hashing or hiking but I appreciated her asking me about it. Then I put her in a trike and sent her home.
So, that’s the down and dirty on the date. Again, for the most part, it was quite enjoyable. She’s good company, good looking, has some passion about her, and enjoys getting physical. I don’t know why I’m not crazy about her.
Met up with the guys a little later and we did a long, mostly flat, 11K hike.

After the hike, we visited Harley’s on Baloy beach for lunch and beers.

The other news is that as of today we are now under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ). I’m not sure what that will mean in terms of things that matter (like bars reopening) but at least there is this:

I reckon that’s progress in the right direction. In these trying times perhaps that’s the best we can hope for. Says the 64-year-old man who can’t figure out why he’s not crazy about a hot 32-year-old who seems to be into him.
Is that a first world or a third world problem?
Sounds as if the date went about as well as could be expected. If she doesn’t shave her legs, well… maybe think of it as if you’re dating a hairy-footed hobbit. Heh. At least you’ve concluded that she’s into you.
Beautiful pics of the trail, but no pics of any food? (Or would taking food pics during a date be considered gauche?)
Continued good luck as you figure things out.
Me thinks I was premature with Jessa relationship. Still hoping it works out.
Well, in Colorado.Springs they opened the bars and are now starting to close them again. Looks like gyms may be next.
Had to drive some distance today to recycle old CRT TV. Traffic normal. Not many signs of intelligent life. 12-20 Peaceful? Protesters (of what?) blocked highway. Good way to die.
I think about myself from time to time and I truly believe I am color blind. These dummies that hijacked BLM and destroying just about anything can’t tell you who George Floyd is.
Kev, not gauche at all. I just didn’t think of it. Which in a way is kind of a commentary on the food. Taste was fine but presentation average at best.
Jerry, I’m so glad to not be living in the USA these days! From what I’ve been reading, being color blind is racist. Who knew? Stay safe!
30 minutes late? Unless it was some type of emergency, I’d be dining alone. McCrarey, if you buy me a 950 peso steak I’ll Boom Boom with you too. Heck, I’ll even shave my legs. Peace Out!
You picked up on most of the red flags there, Soju!
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