On the water

I got a message from a reader asking if I was okay. I said yes, why do you ask? She replied that I hadn’t posted since January 1 so she just wanted check up on me. Well, thanks. I appreciate that.

Fact is I kinda sorta had a goal to post something here every day. You know, in true diary fashion. But damn, the days all run together into a sameness that makes it difficult sometimes to come up with anything interesting to say. Yeah, I know. That’s never stopped me before. And honestly, I’m not bored nor am I complaining about my lot in my life. I truly am enjoying my time here for the most part.

Anyway, this blog is what it is. I don’t delve into politics much these days and while I maintain a healthy interest in the world around me I just don’t have much to contribute to the conversation. Just call me a passive observer. So I reckon I’ll just continue to write about my life here for whatever that’s worth. And I’ll give you photos too. Lots of photos! Like these:

Nephew Justin wrapped up his two week holiday visit yesterday. So we took a 2 hour banka boat tour around the bay. Hired the Wow Subic for 2000 pesos ($40.)
Heading out to see…
…Baloy Beach…
…a couple of beach resorts…
...a ship anchored in the bay. There’s also a paraglider off the stern if you can see it…
Approaching the famous Hanjin shipyard. The water was getting quite rough on this side of the bay. The Gilligan’s Island theme song began playing in my head…
More ships…
This was quite a mysterious island. Several houses all looking pretty decent and absolutely no sign of human life. I’m guessing it is some kind of abandoned resort. Gave me the thought of opening it open as a party venue. Maybe call it Paradise Island or something. Nah, I don’t think so…
The White Rock Resort with a shanty town right next door. Kind of a good illustration of the “have/have not” existence of Filipinos…
Still, there are much worse things than a simple life on the water.
It has been said that a man’s home is his castle. And it is also said that no man is an island. I have no idea why this was built or what purpose it may have served. Abandoned now.
And in keeping with our nautical theme, Justin and I spent the remaining hours of the evening on the Arizona floating bar.

Once the sun went down things got pretty wild at the bar. Wild in the sense that a gal at the next table took all her clothes off and was dancing naked. Unfortunately she was fat and ugly which made it easy to avert my eyes. Ah well, Justin had another memory to carry home with him.

Not sure which is worse, my writing or my photography. But I’ll endeavor to give you healthy doses of both in the future. Stick around!

UPDATE: The first time I used the “On the Water” title for a blog post was nearly seven years ago, January 6, 2012. It was on the occasion of visiting my high school buddies Rod and Pat Headlee on their sailboat when they were passing through the Carolina’s.

2 thoughts on “On the water

  1. Strangely, my RSS feed still hasn’t updated to show this latest post of yours. I came over to your blog on a random impulse, perhaps motivated, like your correspondent, to find out why you hadn’t written in a while. As it turns out, you have written. Keep up the good work; I’m happy to read slice-of-life blogging and learn about the local culture through your eyes.

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