For a man who is living a life devoid of meaning and purpose, I guess I’m doing alright. Makes it tough sometimes to meet my goal of a daily post here at LTG though. I hope you’ll indulge my journey into nothingness today. I’ll keep it short, if not sweet.
I made my debut on TikTok, courtesy of a Facebook friend who apparently has too much time on her hands. It’s me singing in a videoke joint a few weeks ago. It is really horrible, even by my low standards. I can’t say for certain that my rendition of this song was the proximate cause, but the bar closed down for good a couple of days later. You’ve been warned!
I can’t believe you are still here! I promise I’ll never post something like that again!
Speaking of things that ain’t quite right, how about this sentence:
I saw a bald eagle in the wild a few years ago, and to be honest, it looked, even as it flew over the snakey river and the murmuring pines and the hemlocks—Canadian trees, according to Longfellow, whose “Evangeline,” is a poem of exile I adore—like a bigot.
That’s from a professional writer. I reckon it’s grammatically correct, but I found it grating and almost non-sensical. Yeah, yeah, I get the irony of ME complaining about bad writing. But I’m not getting paid for my drivel, so there! And no, I don’t usually indulge in the “literature” found on the Poetry Foundation webpage linked above. Althouse sent me there.
In news a little closer to home, I heard from Maria last night. She’s the one I tried to enlist in my “friends helping friends” program. Sadly, she apparently didn’t grasp the concept of give and take, and her repeated and frequent requests for money with no reciprocation drove me away. Anyway, I guess the rent is due again and NOW she wants to fuck me for money. The problem is, I never had any interest in that kind of arrangement. I wanted her to care about me and want to be with me because she cared. Or at least pretend she did. That money for sex thing is available all over town, it’s just not what I want to do. That she would make such a proposal after we had discussed the arrangement I was seeking (and she professed agreement with) is rather insulting. I was drunk when I got her message and chose to wait to respond when I was sober. I’m sober now and feeling like there is nothing left to say. I’m sorry she’s facing eviction, but if she had played along with my scheme she’d never have had to worry about the rent money again. Instead, she chose the scammer’s path, and I have no desire to violate Rule #1 on her behalf.
I’m starting to see some red flags with Joy as well, but I’ll see how I feel after our planned meeting next week. It could be that my concept of “sharing and caring” is just a pipe dream. We’ll see.
A third place finish in darts last night, about what we deserved. My partner and I didn’t play bad, but our opponents that beat us played better. Thems the breaks.

A Facebook friend posted some of her photos from yesterday’s Hash. I thought a couple of them better illustrated the difficulty of the trail than the ones I posted here did.

Anyway, I’m not averse to goading my lefty friends and watching their heads explode. But sometimes they make it too easy. I posted the meme below yesterday, but my target was the Facebook “factcheckers” who are notoriously dishonest. Welp, Facebook hasn’t banned me (yet), but my open minded liberal friends didn’t like it much.

Oh, well. I’m sure he’s a happy guy, ignorance being bliss and all.
That’s it for today. Thanks for dropping in and putting up with my nonsense. Engaging with y’all is one of the highlights of my day.
We need to overlay your singing with the sound of an old Basset hound howling mournfully.
As for sharing and caring… ain’t no caring as long as it’s a transaction, but there might be some sharing. Of bodily fluids. And maybe diseases. (And what’s with the “I wanted her to care about me and want to be with me because she cared.”? I thought you were done with the love/care thing. It’s hard to get a read on what you really want, and I suspect you yourself don’t know what you want. Buy yourself a Fleshlight, man. It’ll never disappoint you.)
Which is worse—that pic of Biden falling up the stairs to Air Force One, or the pic of Hillary with a diarrhea spot on her skirt as she’s just entering Air Force One?
Those pics of the trail look harsh. My brain saw those and said, “No, thanks.” A big, heavy guy like me would have a hard time gaining traction on that hillside, especially if the soil is as loose as it appears.
Too bad about the third-place finish, but I’m sure you’ll fight your way to the top again soon.
Re: the karaoke – dont quit your day job for that!! Oh yeah, you dont have a day job. Carry on then!! LOL
Kev, re: the “sharing and caring” thing. It seems simple in my head–caring in a way that friends care for one another. Maybe it is all make-believe and there is no way to subordinate the overt transactional aspects of the arrangement but in my imagination, it’s just a “thanks for help baby, can I come over to snuggle and cuddle for a while?” type thing. The classic friends with benefits scenario. Maybe it is just a dream.
That trail was for sure the most difficult to keep your feet I can remember. As I announced at the time, “what a coincidence! This is the first AND last time I’ve hiked this trail.”
So, you are saying my singing could make a hound howl?
Brian, I can’t possibly sound that bad. It must have been some malfunction with the recording equipment.
Against my better judgment, I listened to your American Idol debut. To use a quote from Homer Simpson, “D’Oh!” I get it McCrarey, I’ve been there.
alcohol is a great confidence builder. down a few beers and suddenly you’re better looking, a better dancer and a better singer. i do have one idea for this recording. we stop water boarding the terrorists at Guantanamo and make them listen to this over and over and over. they will spill the beans in a new york minute. Peace Out!
I warned you, Soju! And the Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment. Still, I could be enticed to visit Cuba if my country needs me…
You are a true patriot! Peace Out!