Not good

But good enough I reckon. I played Billy in Singles League action yesterday and came away with a 9-7 victory. That’s as close as it gets, tied at 7 going into the last leg of a 15-leg match. Winning the eighth leg is worth two because you are awarded an extra point for winning the match. Billy and Cristy were the only players to beat me in the first round and now I have achieved my revenge against them both. Of course, I still need to play each of them one more time before the season is over, so I ain’t bragging (much) yet.

I’ve mentioned before that one way I measure my performance is how many marks I throw. My goal is one per leg on average or 15 in a match. I got a grand total of three yesterday which demonstrates just how off my game I truly was. I was lucky that my opponent wasn’t throwing up to her normal capabilities either. That’s the way the dart flies sometimes.

Here are the current standings for the league if you have any interest in that kind of thing:

I’m ranked second based on the average number of legs won per match. At the end of the season, we will use the total legs won. Can’t do that now because lots of players have played matches in advance (we just finished week 5 of 10 on the schedule).

I’m not sure if I mentioned that I had some custom dart shirts made in commemoration of the inaugural season of the Barretto Singles League. I have a singles league jersey from Columbia, SC, and one from Seoul, the previous venues for the league I created (yeah, I’m a little proud of my “baby”). Here’s how they came out:

The back of the shirt. No, I get no credit for the designs other than selecting them from things I found for free on the internet.
The front.
Left sleeve. Our claim to fame. Even if we can’t prove it.
And the traditional flag of our host nation on the right sleeve.

What else? Well, I briefly met the daughter of my deceased landlady the other day. She didn’t say much but what she did say didn’t please me. She told me her mother had failed to institute the standard annual rent increases, but she intended to do so. She said “we’ll talk about it later though so as not to ruin your day”. I shrugged and walked away. I’m already overpaying for this house and if she really tries to raise the rent I’m outta here. Not sure how her mom could have done the increase during a three year lease anyway. Oh well, I’m paid up until June and I’ve already initiated a tentative search routine. You have to walk around and ask around, there is no central repository for finding rentals here. I did learn of a house here in Alta Vista that may be available and that I hope to get a look at soon. The bizarre thing in all of this is that this house I’m renting had been vacant for years before I moved in. A couple of other houses owned by my landlady have been vacant since I’ve moved in. I’ve done repairs and improvements here on my own and think I’ve been a model tenant in all respects. Why she would run off a paying customer and have this house sit vacant again for God knows how long makes no sense. But then again, this is the Philippines, and sense, common or otherwise, is not part of the culture as far as I can tell.

I’ve been eating more frequently at The Pub restaurant, run by Korean-American John Kim. He’s quite the foodie, sorta like that other Kim guy I know in Korea. The other day John announced on his Facebook page a major acquisition:

I just received 200 pounds of tenderloin this morning. I don’t think even many meat shops in Barretto has that much of Tenderloin. Yes, I am getting ready to make the most tender roast beef in town. Our rub came out really good, we wanted make it ourselves because we don’t like MSG and all other chemical contents in pre-made meat rubs. We should be able to come up with roast beef soon and will make whatever you guys miss the most: a. Beef and Cheddar, b. French Dip, c. Roast Beef Dinner.

I voted for the French Dip and stopped in after darts to see if I could get one for take-out. I could and I did:

Damn good it was too!

Now if I could only find a Monte Cristo sandwich. Maybe I’ll put a bug in John’s ear.

Facebook also reminded me that I’ve been a proponent of gun control since at least 1973. And I’ve got the photo to prove it:

I’ve got a pistol strapped on my waist as well. Alas, here in the Philippines, gun ownership is not a right afforded to foreigners.

Did a solitary 9K hike this morning that was quite pleasant. Only took one picture though:

The rarely seen bicycle tree in full blossom.

I’m probably forgetting something. Maybe it’s the age or maybe it’s the beer, but damn, I never used to be so absent minded. I try to do a mental checklist whenever I leave the house; phone, vapes, wallet, but invariably it seems I leave something behind. The other afternoon I made brownies for the girls at Alley Cats, and was halfway down the street before I realized I’d left them on the kitchen counter. Geez Louise.

That’s it for now then. I’m one of the Hare’s for tomorrow’s Hash trail and we are marking it in the morning. We’ve already done our scouting so it shouldn’t be difficult. It will definitely be safe and sane, that’s for sure.

Oh, I almost forgot. Stay safe out there everyone!

Sorry, it’s not polite to brag.

5 thoughts on “Not good

  1. Nice darting shirts! And that’s a good-looking sandwich.

    I’m surprised John Kim didn’t go for making filet mignon steaks—that’s the classic thing to do with a tenderloin. The problem with using it any other way (e.g., in sandwiches) is that the meat has almost no fat in it, which means it’s actually not all that flavorful (marbled meat, with its intramuscular fat, is the best, which is why people worship Kobe and Wagyu, or the Korean equivalent, Hanu). You have to jazz it up with salt, pepper, and maybe other seasonings like garlic powder to make it lively.

    How about using your Jedi-level walking skills to patrol the neighborhood, snap photos of properties under construction, and then start your own website, which can act as a hub for prospective renters? If you were to set up on SquareSpace, it’d be easy.

    As for what this foodie is doing: I made a nice batch of “quick” chili; I’ve already made nachos with it, and now, I’m going to use the rest for chili dogs. I need to make some cheese sauce, but that shouldn’t be a problem. I also have to either find some hot-dog buns somewhere, or bake them myself.

  2. Did you ever contact that guy directly whose house you saw for sale? IIRC, you called the local agent and they said he was not interested in renting, only selling, you were going to contact him directly.

  3. Kev, I’m pretty sure John did use some of that meat for steaks–at least I’m seeing some good steak reviews on his FB page. I’m not sure what, if anything, he did to the beef for sandwiches, but mine was quite tasty. My only quibble might be that it was pure beef, I like the meat laced with those stringy onions. I’m sure you don’t agree with that! 🙂

    You know, it’s funny you mention that idea of a central repository of available properties. I had actually been considering setting a Filipina friend up in a business like that when I first moved here–a Korea-style real estate agency that specializes in finding expats rentals. She chose to scam me for a thousand bucks instead. I still think there is definitely a market for someone willing to take it on, but not lazy me!

    What a coincidence, I’m making chili this morning. Hash On-Home is at the Alta Vista country club, so I’m going to once again help feed the hungry hashers. The gals will also be serving brats on buns from the bakery. Good luck finding yours!

    Brian, I need to follow up with him by email. He’s in The Netherlands so perhaps he is letting his agent do his talking. Oh well. The lead on this other house sounds just as good. especially if the rent is as low as I’ve been led to believe–about a third less than I’m paying now. Of course, I haven’t seen the inside of the place yet.

  4. “Alas, here in the Philippines, gun ownership is not a right afforded to foreigners”. If it were up to Sleepy Joe and his Sidekick Kamala(or maybe Sleepy Joe is the Sidekick)gun ownership would not be a right afforded to US citizens. Peace out!

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