Neighborly love

Yesterday I decided to walk the dogs past the house where they were recently attacked. There are only two or three routes I can take here in the neighborhood and I like to mix them up. Plus, it’s a matter of principle. I’m not going to let some irresponsible dog owner deprive me of the right to walk down a public street. And I came prepared with my walking stick fully intending to inflict whatever pain and suffering necessary to repel a crazy animal.

As I passed the house the dog was in the yard and as usual barking furiously. The street is a dead end and on my return past the house the owner was waiting outside for me. She said “do me a favor” and not walk past her house. She said I never know when you are going to pass by and my dog was out earlier. She told me “I don’t want anyone to get hurt”. As politely as I could muster I responded “Let me get this straight. You are telling me not to walk my dog on a public street so that you can let your dog run free?” She repeated “I don’t want anyone to get hurt”. And then said “Please!”. I shrugged and walked on.

Just around the corner one of the subdivision security guards pulls up on his scooter. He tells me he got a call from Mrs. So and So about me walking past her house. I said so? It’s a public street isn’t it? The security guy went into some kind of explanation but I didn’t really understand his English that well. He said he would talk to the So and So bitch as well, but in the meantime I should avoid “her” street. Well, that’s bullshit of course. But it seems since I am a renter here the homeowners get preference in these matters. And oh yeah, the security guy lets his dogs run free too. Anyway, this is clearly one of those situations I can’t win. I’m the foreigner after all.

My boys chillin’ on the front porch.

I do love my dogs. And according to this article I can’t help myself. It’s in the DNA.

What else? Well, I played the worst darts I can remember yesterday in league. My own damn fault as I’ve not been practicing at all. Honestly, after this season I might just hang it up until I can rediscover my motivation to work on my game.

Oh, and here’s a couple more photos from Wednesday’s Sausage Walk.

This provides some context as to where we were in relation to Barretto. Definitely out in the boonies.
Veronica was wide open to having some fun. Or so it appears. She’s a cutie, that’s for sure.
This is what the countryside around Tibag looks like.
And that’s what I look like after being drenched in rain.

Stay tuned for the next installment from my so-called life…

4 thoughts on “Neighborly love

  1. That really sucks re: the neighbor. Asians often seem to confuse cause and effect when it comes to matters of simple justice. Maybe take Veronica with you on subsequent walks through that neighborhood. She might have a method for distracting the angry dog. Heh.

  2. HaHa, Veronica is a talented girl. During the hike she climbed to the top of a big ass mango tree to snag some fruit. Up and down that thing like a monkey. I’m sure that dog would be no problem for her. She have to spend the night with me though because I walk early in the morning. Sadly, I’m not sure her boyfriend would approve.

  3. Yes, I’m going to let it go. I need to choose my battles and this is not one of them.

    “Take a deep breath, relax, and accept the Filipino way…”

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