Greetings from my Sunday afternoon. Here’s how I got here.
Saturday morning I asked my gal what she wanted for breakfast and she told me a tuna sandwich. I’d made one for lunch the day before and I guess she liked it. So we dined on tuna with pickle relish and mayonnaise, served on toast cut into cute little triangles while watching some more episodes of Cobra Kai. Then we headed down to the resto-bar to catch a ride into Olongapo with her mother.
I think I’ve mentioned before that the girlfriend is opening up a second location soon. The purpose of this excursion was to search for some chairs, tables, and other assorted items to finalize setting up for a slated grand opening event sometime next week. It wasn’t a particularly successful quest in that regard, although she was able to purchase some stock for the bar at the old Royal supermarket. The excursion was about as exciting as it sounds, but hey, I got to spend some time with my sweetheart so I’m not complaining. Much.
There was also some good news. The geniuses running the country have finally seen fit to open up for fully vaccinated tourists, starting February 10. Let’s hope they stick with it. It will be a godsend for the struggling hospitality industry, especially the bars. I found it amusing yesterday that despite all the hoopla about not being able to enter indoor facilities like stores and malls without a vax card, no one anywhere asked to see mine yesterday. It is almost as if everyone has finally thrown in the towel and said enough of this bullshit. One can hope.
Once we returned to Barretto, we just hung out at the resto for the remainder of the evening. They had a new item on the menu so I gave it a try:

The problem with a hard shell taco is that one bite tends to have an earthquake-like impact on the remainder of the shell. So, I wound up eating the contents with a fork and the shell separately. It was good though.
I also drank me a few beers.

We left a little after 9 p.m., got to my place, and enjoyed strawberry-banana smoothies along with a little more Cobra Kai. Yeah, practically a suburban lifestyle I’m living these days. It’s taking some getting used to, truth be told. But the beautiful young woman on the couch next to me makes it all seem worthwhile.
Later to bed, later to rise. My routines used to start around 4:30 a.m., these days it is closer to 6:00. It’s that hole that has been throwing the rest of my day out of whack, but I’ll adjust. Eventually. Fed and walked the dogs, then cooked dinner:

Shit. I just realized I need to make some cornbread muffins to go with that. Hold on, I’ll be right back. Alright, done.
Simple Sunday breakfast as requested by my gal. Bacon, toast, some cheese, and canned peach slices. You may have noted that my busy day on Saturday didn’t include a hike, but I wasn’t going to repeat that aberration. Couldn’t interest the GF in joining me for this one, so I walked with her to the highway. She turned left, and I turned right.

Early in my jaunt, I encountered a pedestrian on the other side of the street going in the opposite direction. He had a familiar look about him, and as we passed I saw that it was Dick. I just smiled and nodded and continued on my way.
I’ve not written about Dick lately because he’s an irrelevant loser unworthy of my time. There was an incident several weeks back where he attempted to call me out or shame me or something, by loudly asking me in the presence of all the customers in my girl’s place “how many times have you been married?” I ignored him the first time, but when he repeated himself a few minutes later, I stood up and said “none of your fucking business”. He tried to stand up for a face-off I guess, but his drunk ass fell backward into the sliding glass door behind him. The other patrons kept us apart after that and I left before things got out of hand. Since that time we’ve basically just ignored each other.
He’s apparently not given up his efforts to undermine my relationship though. Less than an hour after I passed him on the road, I heard from the girlfriend. She wanted to know about a note “someone” had given to Dick. The note said that he (Dick) should tell my girlfriend to “beware” of me. And that she should ask my ex-girlfriend about what a bad man I am. Hmm. Mighty suspicious that some random stranger would pass such a note. Why not warn my GF directly? And if providing my ex financial support for over three years and helping her open her own business makes me a bad guy, then I guess I’m guilty as charged. This incident pissed me off, but my GF wants me to be the bigger man (heh, that’s shouldn’t be a problem) and let it go. Anyway, I don’t have anything to hide from my past. I’ve been far from perfect for sure, but I’ve never hurt anyone or treated them poorly.
Fuck! I got distracted and overbaked my muffins. Damn it!

I guess after that baking fiasco I shouldn’t be so quick to mock the intelligence of our “president”. I just can’t seem to help myself though.

Pictures from today’s stroll:

Feel free to Relive the hike if you are so inclined.
That’s been my weekend so far. In a little while I’ll wander on down to resto-bar I reckon and try to entice my girl away for some beer and views from the rood of the Capital Reef Hotel. Wish me luck!
Doesn’t sound like a “weak end.” Actually sounds kinda nice. Muffins might be overbaked, but they look good in the pic. Chili doesn’t look ready, but I can see the promise of readiness in it. Nice pics, as always, of nature and civilization. Overall a happy weekend, or so it seems to me.
yup, a weekend well spent.
Re: the new restaurant
Is the new one close to the other one location wise? I am sure that the PH is no different from any other country in that finding good managers to operate a facility when the owner is not there is key. Hopefully that is not going to be an issue.
Kev, yep, the chili came out quite tasty. The muffins were just okay…not burned but not moist either. Oh well, the GF seemed to enjoy the meal, so there’s that.
Brian, yeah, the new place is only a block or two away in the 7/11 strip mall up the highway. It is small and more of a bar than a restaurant, although it will feature meat pies. The manager thing is an issue already. The GF is sometimes feels overwhelmed and I’ve been encouraging her to find someone to ease her burdens. Salary is one issue, and finding someone competent and trustworthy is another. Hopefully, they’ll figure it out.
Dick note episode sounds like girly shit from junior high school.
Yep, best to take the high road and let losers lose.