I did my Hare duties this morning, marking tomorrow’s Hash trail with my fellow hares, Pubic Head, and Blow My Pipe. The hike comes in at just under 7K with two decent climbs. I’m pretty pleased with the effort, might even be the best trail ever! Or at least the best this week.
Yesterday afternoon I enjoyed some quality time with xxxx. Had my driver drop us off in SBMA (the old Navy base) and we did a little walkabout on the waterfront.

Anyway, it was a pleasant way to spend some time together. I was tempted by Texas Joe’s, one of my favorites, and it turns out likes it too. The parking lot was overflowing though, and by the time we eliminated other options, we were back where we started at The Lighthouse. So we decided to give it a try.

After dinner, we went to the bar next where I had a couple of more beers. xxxx doesn’t really drink beer, but she will sip at a low-alcohol flavored brew called San Miguel Apple. By sip, I mean that after I had consumed two full beers, xxxx still had a half bottle of Apple to go. That’s okay, I’ll try to drink enough for the both of us if need be.
Took a taxi back to Barretto and sat on the roof of Barcelona enjoying the evening views while replaying our beer drinking ways. We talked some more about future adventures and I’ll endeavor to do better advance planning to make them come true. xxxx wants to visit La Union (about three hours north) one day soon. It was a good day overall.
xxxx needed to go back to her food place for a bit before calling it a night. The plan was for me to order some takeout and we’d eat it at my place watching some TV together. Well, the place was crowded and my order was at the back of the queue, so it took a while. xxxx was busy consulting with her mother while I waited for my food. And then some Dick came in and our plans were foiled.
I guess he’s figured out that his fantasy girl is my reality and he’s not a happy camper. xxxx told me she was staying behind to deal with him and she’d join me later. I was pissed but chose retreat over future regret. We’ll see how that works out for me.
xxxx did arrive an hour or so later and we slept in each other’s arms. That was my happy ending to the day.
A good day, all in all.
So you go around chin-masking while Pearl fully wears her mask?
That burger plate looked a bit meager. Despite that, it sounds as though this was a good day, aside from Dick-related weirdness. I hope that situation resolves itself clearly and soon. If weeks go by and Dick is still clinging to his fantasy, it could be that Pearl is, while not exactly leading him on, not giving clear enough signals that he should fuck off. That may become your manly duty. Pearl might even be expecting you to act assertively like an Asian man (getting back to what Brian said earlier about cultural expectations). Again, I don’t know what Filipinas actually expect or want. That’s just a guess.
Yeah, I chin mask on SBMA so as to give the appearance of compliance and to avoid being targeted as the defiant foreigner. The mask stays in my pocket everywhere else–I only put it on when riding Jeepneys or passing through checkpoints.
Yeah, Dick is going to be a problem I fear. My tolerance for Pearl’s tolerance of him is wearing very thin. It makes me wonder…
Dear John,
Nice pics on the base. You would make a nice couple.
Does the guy who you dare not speak his name anymore actually realise you and Pearl are together or does he see you as just another customer? If so, maybe it would be best for Pearl to have a quiet word with him to make that clear – but don’t you stoop to rolling around in the dirt with him. I’ve seen a quite a few exats doing that over bargirls over the years and it’s not a good look. Pathetic in fact.
On the other hand, if he has got the connections you say he has you might want to thread carefully if has got his heart set on Pearl that much.
Yeah, Dave, you are right. It seems clear to me that Pearl has not in fact made it clear to “Dick” that she’s with me now. That’s a big problem. But no, I’m not going to get drug down into a situation with the potential for violence. Either Dick stays away, or I do.