Until next year. Anyway, not a bad day on trail. We left Alta Vista and took the back way through the hills to the start of the Hash on Rizal Extension. From there, we did a steep stair climb almost to the top of the Kalaklan Ridge, then meandered through the woods to the On-Home at Tiny Cunts house at the far end of Rizal Extension. The problem is getting back from there after the Hash. My solution was to leave at the beginning of the Hash circle and walk back down the road before nightfall. That worked out just fine, and we chilled at It Doesn’t Matter until it was time to call it a day and head home. Here are a few photos from the adventure:

Hash Monday is a difficult day to stayed focused on the diet plan.

I was born in 1955 and I’m still booming like there is no tomorrow:

And next time I visit Korea, you can call me Kang, Gun Hyo.

Today’s installment in The Story of My Life comes from my brief reflections regarding my final day at work back on December 30, 2010. My big insight on that day was this:
But I’m going to make sure this is merely the transition time between adventures. Or go crazy. One of those.
Four years later, I revisited those musings in a post called It’s the inevitable let down at the end of a great adventure and shared this epiphany:
Maybe I am crazy, but it occurs to me now that life is always just one big transition. I suppose that state of perpetual transition might on occasion include adventure. More often it just hurts.
Back then, I didn’t have a clue about the heartbreak that would befall me the following year. And that ultimately led me to a new life in the Philippines. The only way to find out what comes next is to live it. I’m going to keep at that task for as long as possible.
Now at last I have come to see what life is,
Nothing is ever ended, everything only begun,
And the brave victories that seem so splendid
Are never really won.
Even love that I built my spirit’s house for,
Comes like a brooding and a baffled guest,
And music and men’s praise and even laughter
Are not so good as rest.
― Sara Teasdale
At least I’m not a loser like the one in today’s YouTube video. Get a grip, dude. Yeah, I dislike things about the PI (primarily litter and noise), but the good far outweighs the bad. If I didn’t think that was the case, I would get the fuck out, not post whiny-ass YouTube rants about it.
Laughter helps:

So, today’s post is coming to you from Mope Beach Resort in beautiful barangay La Paz, San Narciso. I didn’t have a plan for this; I just wanted to welcome the New Year by doing something different. So, we packed our bags and had the driver drop us down the road after grocery shopping. And here we are! I’ll let you know how it goes down tomorrow.
then meandered through the woods to the On-Home at Tiny Cunts house at the far end of Rizal Extension
Just how many tiny cunts does Tiny Cunts have?
First cookie delivery of the day
If these people had access to YouTube, they would marvel at the videos of people who build homes in the forest.
I guess whoever was building here got tired of the climb and said, “fuck this!”
Hard work, determination, time, and of course, money.
You can’t tell by my posts, but I do care and I am at least trying to do better.
You’re a funny guy.
Well, I’ll wish you and yours a Happy New Year! Best of luck for 2025.
Just how many tiny cunts does Tiny Cunts have?
Let me apostrophe and get back to you on that! Yep, Tiny Cunt’s the only one. (I’m ending the year sloppy and stupid).
Yeah, it is just surprising how many partially finished houses we encounter out and about. Not to mention all the abandoned ones. I bet some of the background stories about what happened would be fascinating. And sad.
You’re a funny guy.
Except when I’m trying to be!
All the best to you in the New Year, Kevin!