Mundane musings…

…from a mundane mind.

Let me tell you about the last 24 hours. Nothing special, nothing exciting, I can promise you that. But sometimes reflecting on “just another day in the life” can provide a deeper understanding of what is truly important and insights into how to make the most of the blessings that come from being alive. Other times these reflections provide fodder for another boring blog post here at LTG. And honestly, isn’t that why you are here?

Tuesday morning is when I do my weekly grocery shopping. That in and of itself constitutes a break from my regular routine. Since I can’t get my morning steps in anyway, I just blow off my daily goal and give myself a break. Most of the time I still manage to achieve the weekly 20,000+ step average I strive for.

One of these days is different than the others.

I’ve been frustrated in my shopping excursions at the Royal supermarket for the past several weeks as many of the items I seek have continually been out of stock. I’m not sure what’s going on or whether it is somehow COVID related, but damn, give me a break. How do you not have Coke Zero?

In an effort to find some relief from my frustration I had my driver take me to the Pure Gold supermarket which is also located on the old Navy base. They had a couple of items I wanted but their frozen foods were very limited and you guessed it, no Coke Zero. From Pure Gold we moved on to the old Royal store located nearby. I always shopped here before the new Royal opened closer to home. Again, they had some things I hadn’t been able to find, but not the stuff I wanted most. And still no Coke Zero.

When I got back home I cooked me up some lunch, Mexican style.

Mucho gusto!

After my meal, I wrote up yesterday’s Hash post then took a refreshing nap. When I awoke I headed into Barretto to the vape shop to get some supplies. They too didn’t have exactly what I needed but promised to have some sent over from another store. We’ll see.

Since it was only four o clock I wandered over to the salon where I get my haircut and had me a long overdue foot spa.

If I’ve ever seen a face that said “they don’t pay me enough for this!” this is it.

She did a good job scraping off all that dead skin and clipping my toenails. I gave her a 100 peso tip on a 245 peso bill, but that wasn’t enough to put a smile on her sullen face. Oh well, I tried.

Back out on the street and wondered where to go next. I figured it would involve beer drinking and since Cheap Charlies was nearby, that’s where I started.

The view of my hometown from my barstool perch.

I had three (or was it four?) Zero’s and bought one lady drink for my waitress. These days I actually prefer to drink alone most of the time. I know the girls need those drink commissions though, so I will usually spring for one or two, then stick a generous tip down their blouse.

Next, I moved on up the highway to my regular haunt, Mangos. I had a few more beachside beers and enjoyed another sunset.

Somehow watching the sun go down always gives me a peaceful, easy feeling.

Stumbled on home, no wait, I took a trike, had some leftover burritos, mixed up a batch of strawberry smoothies, and was in bed before 9 p.m. Yeah, I’m living a life of sheer excitement, ain’t I?

Back to normal this morning. A good long, but boring, street walk in Barretto followed by a beach walk in Baloy. We took it easy because Scott is recovering from some unknown illness. Coincidentally or not, we did have three American expats in Barretto allegedly test positive for Corona this week. I say allegedly because all three were asymptomatic and were only tested for the purpose of getting travel documents back to the states. It seems from what I’ve been reading there are a whole lot of false positives at these testing centers. And this being the Philippines and all I don’t have a lot of confidence that whatever procedures they are using are up to standard. Anyway, I’m doing well health-wise so far and I hope to keep it that way.

A couple after walk beers at Cheap Charlies, then home for a nap, and now I’ve almost completed today’s blog entry. It’s a tough life I know, but someone has to do it!

Before I go let me share some gems I found out there on the internets, including this quote from one of my favorites–Charles Bukowski:

Yeah, it’s a dilemma. I’ll cop to feeling lonely sometimes but there is also comfort in the freedom to do what I want when I want, and of course, with whoever I want.

And I still have my sense of humor, such as it is:

That I find this one funny might explain why I’m a single old man.
I hate it when that happens!
I may have used this one here before. But there is always hope!

Alright, well, these are serious times I guess and that means politics can’t be ignored. I can agree with this sentiment:

Pretty much.
And while you are at it, Joe, why not explain just how YOU got rich during 47 years in Congress.

Anyway, I’m not here to argue or try and change your mind. Mine is made up though. There is peace in that.

And I found out a long time ago
What a woman can do to your soul.
Oh, but she can’t take you anyway,
You don’t already know how to go.

And I got a peaceful easy feeling.
And I know you won’t let me down
‘Cause I’m already standing on the ground.

I get this feeling I may know you
As a lover and a friend.
But this voice keeps whispering in my other ear,
Tells me I may never see you again.

‘Cause I get a peaceful easy feeling.
And I know you won’t let me down
‘Cause I’m already standing
I’m already standing
Yes, I’m already standing on the ground

4 thoughts on “Mundane musings…

  1. That meal looks good! Hopefully it tasted as good as it looked. LOL

    Regarding your pedicurist – I probably would have the same look on my face if that was my job. Funny pic however.

  2. Kev, Well, technically it was a foot spa and a pedicure. You can get one without the other. I actually had my first ever foot spa in Korea. Had years of dead skin to remove, with deep fissures and cracks in my heels. The attendant told me I needed to come once a month in the future. I was a mess for sure. That salon is where I met Jee Yeun as well. And yes, I do recommend them…I go every couple of months and it keeps the skin on my feet in healthy shape…no more dried out cracked heels…

    Bian, yeah the job must suck. And she wasn’t a good enough actress to pretend otherwise I guess. She was pretty cute though. 🙂

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