A nice trail yesterday by Leech My Nuggets. No rain and some paths we’ve not walked for a while to enjoy again. I avoided the second climb as I’m wont to do, but had a pleasant stroll through the streets of Matain and Calapacuan. I’ll let the photos do the talking:

I spent some time on ice in the “Hash fuckup” category. The charge had to do with last week’s ill-fated trike ride that left me stranded in the wrong part of my neighborhood. That’s what happens when fellow Hashers read your blog.
After completing the Hash rituals, I joined Pubic Head and Demented Dickhead at Snackbar for some additional liquid refreshments. Not my favorite place anymore, but it is convenient to home.
And now it is another day for me to write about tomorrow. I’ll be spending the evening with Swan, and we’ll see if any of my concerns are resolved.

I honestly don’t know what happens next. I’m going to move cautiously on the path of discovery.
Hello everyone!
The vocative comma’s on vacation, I see. Wherever it goes, I hope it enjoys itself.
You mentioned my not seeing Joy in your photos for a while (can’t be more than a mere few days), but you know who else has gone MIA on your blog? Almoranus! Haven’t seen him in a long while.
Damn, see what I missed?
Beautiful view. So who took that picture?
Back On-Home at Smokes and Bottles
How much does the average block of ice weigh?
One of those concerns revolves around Swan’s reaction when I sent her this as a joke.
So, I’m guessing she reacted negatively.
If people in your Hash kennel are reading your blog, then your relationship with Swan is, at best, an open secret. Assume everyone knows. It almost feels as if Swan might be fooling herself into thinking no one knows about you and her.
I was expecting the below song to be the musical accompaniment to your post
……..Lets Go to the Hop………..
I guess it is true that great minds think alike, Brian. I did intend to use that song but got distracted. I did a post almost a year ago called “At the Hash” and used the Danny and Juniors there. What’s really hilarious is that I re-wrote the lyrics to “At the Hop” for that post. Here’s a taste:
Well, you can swing it you can groove it
You can really start to move it at the Hash
Where the paths are the smoothest
And the hiking is the coolest at the Hash
All the dudes and the gashes get their kicks at the Hash
Let’s go!
Let’s go to the Hash
Let’s go to the Hash, (oh baby)
Let’s go to the Hash, (oh baby)
Let’s go to the Hash
Come on, let’s go to the Hash
Let’s go!
You didn’t hear? No, the vocative comma is not on vacation; it’s in the hospital. It’s commatose.
Almoranus has been back home in Germany for the past few months. Quite a few expats return to the homeland to spend the rainy season months. I’m sure he’ll be back later this year.
I’m not good about giving proper photo credits. In addition to my own, I use photos posted on the Hash Facebook page. Most of the time the “not mine” pictures are taken by Pubic Head (Scott), but that beautiful hilltop shot was from some unknown Hasher–Scott didn’t do the climb either.
Not sure how much the ice weighs, but it is heavy. Usually, two guys from the ice plant drag it in using hooks. After Monday’s Hash, the Smokes and Bottles employees chipped the block into two pieces and then pushed and pulled it away.
It wasn’t so much a negative reaction to the meme as it was where the conversation went from there. Hopefully, I’m wrong about the impression I’m getting from Swan about the potential for a future physical relationship. We’ll see soon enough.
Some may know of Swan but not who she is. I’ve kept details of her identity hidden. But yeah, it’s a small town, and I’m sure more people know than we are aware of.