At least until I get back. Headed out to Angeles City for the weekend. I’ll Hash with the Angeles group on Sunday, then travel to Floridablanca for a Subic Hash outstation run. I’m always up for a change of scenery, and although Angeles is nowhere near my favorite place to be, I can handle it for a couple of days. There are a couple of restaurants there that I enjoy and some new bars to explore. I’m looking forward to a good time!
My last day in Barretto included hiking the back way to Waltermart in Subic. Some sights along the way:

Survived another round of chelation with Dr. Jo. When I get back, I’ll have some tests performed to see if there are any improvements in my health statistics. My blood pressure is significantly lower than it used to be, so that’s a plus.
It was after 5 p.m. when we left the doctor’s office, and I decided we’d stay on that seldom-visited side of town. First stop, Outback.

Next, we walked up the beach for dinner at Mango’s and enjoyed our usual pork chop platter. I forgot to get a photo this time. With our hunger alleviated, we crossed the highway and had a nightcap at Queen Victoria Bar. It’s been a while since I’ve been there, and there is definitely a changed vibe. They’ve built a larger stage for the dancers and play music that young women prefer when dancing. I liked it better before, but everyone was friendly, and the service was good. It’s not somewhere I’d enjoy hanging out on a regular basis, but I’ll drop in occasionally when I need a change of pace.

And so ended our last night (this week) in Barretto.

From the LTG archives is this post from June 2005, where I recount some of the differences I’d experienced with the Korean Employee’s Union and their American counterpart. That was also the day I picked up darts for the first time, a life-altering event in its own way.
Facebook memories shared this photo of three generations of McCrareys.

Despite the AI narration, I found this short (five minutes) YouTube video somewhat entertaining and on point. Coincidentally, Koreans dominate the bar ownership scene in the naughty boy district of Angeles City. Lots of Korean restaurants and even a Korea-town nearby.
The joke’s on me:

Speaking of which, it’s time for me to get ready to travel. I’ll check in again tomorrow.