I mean, I can lament all day long about what I don’t have, but all I have to do is look out my window…
Overall, I really am enjoying my life and my routines here. Today being Wednesday I spent the morning/early afternoon with the Sausage Walkers.
The trail the Austrian Gunter chose to lead us up the mountain was hard and steep…
The rest of the hike was mostly pleasant and uneventful. Except the part where I got tripped up in some razor wire. A small gash on my leg but thankfully not deep like the last time I got tangled up.
Another routine is darts, and I’m fixin’ to head out soon to play in the tourney at Alley Cats. I’ve also been getting in the habit of practicing at home so hopefully that result in some improvement in the quality of my play. We’ll see. Oh, I’ve also signed up to play in the league on Friday’s.
So all in all I’m getting by just fine. Disappointments notwithstanding.