I got nothin’

Still working through some shit in my head but in the meantime of course life continues.

Yesterday’s Hash was the worst ever. Not so much the trail we hiked but the total incompetence of the Hare in marking it. Even the experienced Hashers were bitching about it. In fact, in my opinion for some inexplicable reason the Hare must have intentionally laid a shitty trail just to fuck with us.

During the portion of the circle where we give feedback on the day’s hike, the criticism of the trail was universal. I called it “total bullshit” and another member said Cabbage Patch should not be permitted to Hare in the future “without adult supervision”. I personally will not participate in any event where Cabbage Patch is once again the Hare.

Needless to say I was in no mood for picture taking yesterday. I did snap this shot of the full moon rising above our Hash circle “on-home” at Johan’s on Baloy Beach.

My mood hasn’t improved much today either. When I returned from my morning walk with Buddy I noticed I had lost one of my vape pens. Damn, no idea how I managed that. I do wear headphones so I wouldn’t have heard it drop, but still.

And then when I was walking the next portion of my daily regimen, I happened to feel it when a vape dropped out of my pocket, only because it hit me in the leg on the way down. I’m like “What the fuck?”. And then I discovered I had a hole in my pocket. I transferred the vapes into my other pocket and walked on. And then I got to thinking “oh shit, where are my house keys?” Yep, I had lost them somewhere along the way as well. Luckily my domestic was home to let me in when I returned.

I’ve got a hole in my pocket. I don’t feel crazy but I sure do feel nuts.

Walter Lee McCrarey “Dad Jokes”

So in addition to my regular Tuesday morning grocery shopping I had to detour into Olongapo to get some keys made.

That’s pretty much how my life is going lately. Oh well, there’s always more beer to drink.

Told ya I had nothin’.

Oh wait, there is this.

3 thoughts on “I got nothin’

  1. Were you able to make new keys without finding the old keys? How’d you manage that? Or: did you switch out the keys and locks entirely with new keys and locks, such that whoever finds your old keys won’t be able to get into your place?

    Anyway, sorry to read about the shitty day. Tomorrow, you start again. Lucky for us, Mother Nature hits the reset button every 24 hours.

  2. I used the my domestic helper’s set of keys to get new ones duplicated for me. I’m going to trust that whomever might find my old keys will have no clue as to where I live.

    And yes, tomorrow will be a new opportunity. Who knows, maybe I’ll even do it right!

  3. As Kevin says there is always tomorrow. Take a day away from norm, stay in, rub buddiès belly, look at the view, I guess adding beer is OK too. Don’t know the conditions in your area, but I get much enjoyment from my little Rascal retrieving a ball.Big open park not far.

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