Survived another week on the Hash trail. This one really wasn’t so bad. A challenging climb with lots of steps early on, then a steeper than normal descent. After that, practically a walk in the park. The overcast skies also kept the heat down some, that was a plus!
We did a new On-Home venue, a place called Yero’s, on the Subic side of the river. It was an outdoor resto-bar setup, which I prefer these days. The food was surprisingly good too. If it were more convenient to home, I’d likely be a frequent visitor.
As usual, we’ll let the pictures do the talking:
Our trail for the day. The purple line is the “shortcut” our group took. Not much shorter, but it avoided a second climb.Gathering up at the VFW.And we are On-On!The first flight of steps begins.Are you up for a climb?Step it up.The first flight ended, and then a second began.The stairs gave way to a trail, and the trail featured views like this one.Catching our collective breath.The final push to the top.Heading towards Four Corners on My Bitch.You coming, Pubic Head?The mountain family.Mountain mama Olivia is preparing a meal for her brood.Hello again.The beginning of the downhill.Steep it was.A couple of kids encountered on the way down.Cookie time!Did I mention it was steep?I got this!What’s Up Doc patiently awaits for us slowpokes to make it down.Flat earth!Over the river.Through the fields.That wall is a real pain in the ass to get down.In the shadow of Black Rock.The lonely life of a Hasher.Wide-open spaces.Ducks on a pond, er, puddle.On the Govic highway, headed for On-Home.First time at Yero’s. I expect we’ll be back.A full house of Hashers.The garlic parmesan wings were quite tasty.An example of the wall art featured at Yero’s. This one loosely translates to “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t think I’m handsome.”Perhaps you’ll notice the feature that led to What’s Up Doc getting her Hash name.Hanging out until it’s time to circle up.
So, that’s the way we rolled yesterday. Hope you enjoyed sharing the ride.
I’m going to work on rewriting these lyrics into a Hash song.
Another walk in the books. Keep ’em coming!