Back out with the Friday hiking group yesterday. Scott, Troy, and Jim are the Hares for Monday’s Hash, so we all joined in for some scouting and trail marking in preparation. The trail begins in Subic town and ends at the One Three Resort, our On-Home venue in Calapadayan.
As I mentioned yesterday, the trail includes a pretty significant hill climb. I was curious how my body would react to that and was pleasantly surprised that I made it up with no more difficulty than would be expected for an old man engaged in strenuous activity. The breathing part was unimpaired. Once we made it to the top, the “fun” started. There was no path to be found in the jungle-like undergrowth, so we were forced to bushwhack a trail as best we could. That was the most challenging part of the day for me. Bending under low branches, tripping on vines, and forcing my way through bushes is tiring work.
As we continued to make our way forward, we heard a voice calling out to us. It was a local armed with a machete doing god knows what out in this wilderness. We made our way to where he was waiting, admitted we were lost, and he led us to the path that took us in the direction we needed to go. We successfully navigated our way back down to Calapadayan and caught a Jeepney back to Barretto. It was quite an adventure.

A good start to the day and a good finish with Swan at the SOB competition. Her friend seemed to enjoy it as well. Lots of beers, then home to bed and another good night’s sleep. I could get used to living this way. Oh wait, I am!

Today’s punny:

More of the usual tomorrow. See you then!
Looks to have been a great hike despite the foliage-related difficulties. You and your oxygenated lungs are back to tackling hills, and all is right with the world. Most excellent.
Oh, yeah: for “Jungle Love,” I was sure you were going to slap up some Morris Day and the Time.
I always said your health concerns were bullshit but never once have you admitted I was right and apologised. Off topic, I know, but what are your New Year’s resolutions? For the record mine are to cause more racial offence in the trans librarian community but, as usual, I’ll probably give up on Jan 2.
Dan, yes, it turns out my problems were all in my head. Once they were removed, I could breathe normally again.
As for my New Year’s resolution, I’ve resolved to make no resolutions. Good luck with yours!
Kev, a movie reference from 1984? How the hell am I supposed to remember that? Good to see it again, though. Thanks for the link!
Yep, it’s good to be back up and at ’em!
“Dan, yes, it turns out my problems were all in my head. Once they were removed, I could breathe normally again.”
Nicely done!