A rather pleasant 6K Hash run yesterday. A couple of small climbs; otherwise we covered a mostly flat, urban trail. It was all very familiar territory, in fact, I had unknowingly walked a portion of the trail during my Sunday solo hike. I guess nothing new isn’t surprising given that we do organized hikes three times a week in a relatively small geographic area. I’ll be one of the Hares for next week’s Hash, and I doubt we’ll have anything new to offer either. Well, I’ll be throwing down more powder than I saw on yesterday’s trail, but that’s just the way I roll.
Here are some photos from our trek. As usual, these come from multiple sources:
The trail as seen from the eye in the sky.And so it begins. Black And Dick Her looks tired already! Cum In My Basement just looks hot. As usual. The official start time is 2:30, but our small group of “sane” Hashers left at 2:00. We are slow, and even with a headstart we pretty much always finish last in.And I thought it was raining rocks. (just kidding, never knew they were up until I saw the photo).On the familiar streets of Alta Vista. The trail actually went right past the place I expect to be moving into next month.We didn’t do a lot of elevation, so this was probably the best bay view of the day.On-Up!Country living. What else do you need? Water, you say?Well, there you go! *ahem*A couple of Hash Gash lovelies, Whatever You Want and Anal Intruder.She also has a great sense of humor. “Kate, you look better when you don’t wear glasses.” Kate replies, “You look better when I don’t wear glasses, too.” Living large on the mountain.Marching onward,,,Through the backroads of San Isidro…Crossing the Matain river over what we have dubbed bridge #2.Show me the way, Pubic Head.There was a time when I would have just jumped off this wall. Those days are gone for this old man.I still do alright on flat ground, though.Looking to the left……and looking to the right. Damn, I love this country.Heading on down to the highway…Do you smell that, Pubic Head?Ah, I thought so. I can almost taste it!We finally arrived at our On-Home venue…I really do enjoy the outdoors ambiance at Smoke and Bottles.
During the Hash circle I sang a Hash song I wrote a few months ago.
(sung to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic)
His eyes have seen the horror of the steepness of the trail
His ears have heard the bitching of all the ones who fell
His lips have felt the passing of the PI’s finest Ales
This Hasher’s done it all!
Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers
Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers
Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers
May you always be ON-ON!
Yeah, I won’t quit my day job.
After the Hash, I didn’t see a trike so I started walking towards home. Then I came upon the Jollibee that opened a few months ago. I don’t really eat fast food these days, but most Filipinos are crazy about their Jollibee, so I figured I’d give it a try.
Ordered up the Champ burger, which on the menu looked a bit like a Quarter Pounder...This is how it looked on my table. Sorry the photo isn’t better, I’d had a few beers at this point.
My verdict: better than a Quarter Pounder, maybe not as good as a Whopper. But the Champ hit the spot, and that’s what it’s all about.
And that concludes this week’s Hash post.
3 thoughts on “It’s not unusual”
Do you have a whole collection of “post” pictures at the ready, or do you take a post picture that is exclusively meant for the blog post where it appears?
15th image down: that Pubic Head’s a naughty one, isn’t he…
The Champ Burger looks pretty good. The fearful, cowardly side of me must ask, though: did it have onions? If yes, can you order one without onions?
Looks to have been a good trail. Good luck with the upcoming Hare-ing. May you lay out much white powder, O King of Cocaine.
No, I only post posts that I saw on that day’s hike. Sort of a punny thing, but I try to find an interesting post to share.
HaHa, I didn’t have to even count down to know which photo you were referring to. I don’t *think* Pubic Head was being intentionally naughty, but then again, he’s a long-time Hasher.
I don’t recall tasting any onions, but I’m pretty sure you could “have it your way” by request. Have you seen a Jollibee in Seoul? I know they are an international franchise chain. I seem to recall seeing one at the Incheon airport.
Haven’t seen any Jollibees here, but then again, I haven’t been actively checking. Let’s do a quick Google search for “Jollibee Seoul”…
I’m getting mixed messages. There are some videos out there that seem to promote the Jollibee-Korea idea, while other websites seemingly try to answer the question of why there’s no Jollibee in Korea. Yet more sites seem to contend that the well-established Lotteria is, in fact, Korea’s Jollibee. Wikipedia has what appears to be a definitive entry on overseas Jollibee establishments, and it says there’s no Jollibee in Korea. Japan, meanwhile, is making plans to have one or more Jollibee branches soon.
So at a guess, Jollibee hasn’t graced Korean shores yet. But if the company is expanding as aggressively as it seems, I’ll likely see a Jollibee soon.
Do you have a whole collection of “post” pictures at the ready, or do you take a post picture that is exclusively meant for the blog post where it appears?
15th image down: that Pubic Head’s a naughty one, isn’t he…
The Champ Burger looks pretty good. The fearful, cowardly side of me must ask, though: did it have onions? If yes, can you order one without onions?
Looks to have been a good trail. Good luck with the upcoming Hare-ing. May you lay out much white powder, O King of Cocaine.
No, I only post posts that I saw on that day’s hike. Sort of a punny thing, but I try to find an interesting post to share.
HaHa, I didn’t have to even count down to know which photo you were referring to. I don’t *think* Pubic Head was being intentionally naughty, but then again, he’s a long-time Hasher.
I don’t recall tasting any onions, but I’m pretty sure you could “have it your way” by request. Have you seen a Jollibee in Seoul? I know they are an international franchise chain. I seem to recall seeing one at the Incheon airport.
Haven’t seen any Jollibees here, but then again, I haven’t been actively checking. Let’s do a quick Google search for “Jollibee Seoul”…
I’m getting mixed messages. There are some videos out there that seem to promote the Jollibee-Korea idea, while other websites seemingly try to answer the question of why there’s no Jollibee in Korea. Yet more sites seem to contend that the well-established Lotteria is, in fact, Korea’s Jollibee. Wikipedia has what appears to be a definitive entry on overseas Jollibee establishments, and it says there’s no Jollibee in Korea. Japan, meanwhile, is making plans to have one or more Jollibee branches soon.
So at a guess, Jollibee hasn’t graced Korean shores yet. But if the company is expanding as aggressively as it seems, I’ll likely see a Jollibee soon.