That was yesterday, but that’s the day I’m writing about, so it works.
It was Hash Monday, and I wasn’t feeling at the top of my game, but I figured I’d give it a shot and see what happens. After my morning nap, I had an hour to kill and didn’t feel like sitting around, so I went to Sit-n-Bull for a light lunch before the Hash.
A soft-shell chicken taco with beans and rice from the value menu. Tasty it was!
The VFW meet-up location was only a block away, so I hustled over to await the start of the Hash trail. (Thanks to Pubic Head for his photographic contributions to this post. I reckon half of these shots are his.)
The Hare, Fireman, providing guidance on what to expect on trail. He said it was 4.8K with three gentle climbs and two checkpoints. That circle with the ‘x’ is an example of a checkpoint. When you encounter one, you need to explore all possible directions to discover which is the real trail. I personally despise them as a time waster, especially because I’m almost always at the back of the pack.And we are On-On!Follow the leaders!The first climbs begins.Onward and upward we go!Hillside living isn’t always pretty.Leaving it all behind.A view along the wayKeep it up!Regrouping up top.What are we waiting for?Let’s go!Just like a walk in the park.Did I mention it was a beautiful day?The down that preceded the second up.At the four corners checkpoint. Finding the Hare’s trail was easy enough, but now it was time to decide: to shortcut or not?Some chose the long path……and some of us were singing “My Way”The Easter Mountain viewThe bay viewThe Barretto viewGetting downLike a broken escalatorHow much more motivation do I need?The red Hash trail and the green shortcut trail. It was all good!The On-Home venue this week was at Fireman’s house. That’s him in the “boss” shirt. He even had food catered from Jewel Café for all the Hashers. Well done, Todd!Hanging outStanding aroundBeing Gash-fulThe look of love is in her eyes…Deflowering our two virginsDrink it down-down-down-down. What doesn’t go in you goes on you! I was impressed that both gals sucked down the whole bottle without it leaving their lips. Well done!
After the Hash was over, I hung out with some of the guys at It Doesn’t Matter. Good times!
4 thoughts on “It’s a beautiful morning”
so I went to Sit-n-Bull for a light lunch before the Hash.
I hate that feeling of walking on a full stomach. Add heat and humidity to the equation, and… no, thanks.
The Hare, Fireman, providing guidance
How the hell did this guy get away with having a non-nasty Hash name? No fair. In French, one slang term for “give a blowjob” is “faire le pompier,” or “play the fireman.”
Onward and upward we go!
So nice to see the sun, though, instead of all that gloomy rain.
The Easter Mountain view
I’m weirdly reminded of the green, rolling hills of Virginia. That could almost be a view out a car window along I-81. Just add fences and cows.
The Barretto view
Looks to be rain in the distance.
The On-Home venue this week was at Fireman’s house. That’s him in the “boss” shirt. He even had food catered from Jewel Café for all the Hashers. Well done, Todd!
Looks to be a good spread, too. Chow down!
This strikes me as having been a particularly beautiful hike. Nice job.
I have noticed the absence of 19 kilo ass and the black woman for many posts. Just wondering.
The scenery there is great. I think the best of the year is just ahead.
I am back in Colorado and I bought the pecan pie you tempted me with. I ate the whole thing, like potato chips. Now you have me fantasizing enchiladas. You’re bad.
Rascal, 18 Kilo Ass is still around, just not joining us for the hikes/Hash lately. Wendy (the black gal) stopped coming too.
Glad you found some pie–eat it while you can! I believe enchilada is Spanish for “eat early and often!” Glad I could help. Enjoy!
Kev, in retrospect, I should have waited for the food at Fireman’s, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Speaking of Fireman, he was named long before I got here and may have been named in a different Hash. There was a time, though, that he almost burned down Alta Vista (accidentally), so maybe the name derives from that incident.
Yes, there is a feeling of familiarity with the rolling hills and landscapes here. Sometimes the dominance of Easter Mountain reminds me of my life in Prescott, AZ, when I was greeted each day with a view of Thumb Butte.
I was hurrying to get back On-Home before that rain you can see on the bay reached us. Luckily, most of it stayed off shore, so no one got wet. It was a good and lucky day for sure!
It is great to be surrounded by beauty. Keeps the depression at bay.
so I went to Sit-n-Bull for a light lunch before the Hash.
I hate that feeling of walking on a full stomach. Add heat and humidity to the equation, and… no, thanks.
The Hare, Fireman, providing guidance
How the hell did this guy get away with having a non-nasty Hash name? No fair. In French, one slang term for “give a blowjob” is “faire le pompier,” or “play the fireman.”
Onward and upward we go!
So nice to see the sun, though, instead of all that gloomy rain.
The Easter Mountain view
I’m weirdly reminded of the green, rolling hills of Virginia. That could almost be a view out a car window along I-81. Just add fences and cows.
The Barretto view
Looks to be rain in the distance.
The On-Home venue this week was at Fireman’s house. That’s him in the “boss” shirt. He even had food catered from Jewel Café for all the Hashers. Well done, Todd!
Looks to be a good spread, too. Chow down!
This strikes me as having been a particularly beautiful hike. Nice job.
I have noticed the absence of 19 kilo ass and the black woman for many posts. Just wondering.
The scenery there is great. I think the best of the year is just ahead.
I am back in Colorado and I bought the pecan pie you tempted me with. I ate the whole thing, like potato chips. Now you have me fantasizing enchiladas. You’re bad.
Rascal, 18 Kilo Ass is still around, just not joining us for the hikes/Hash lately. Wendy (the black gal) stopped coming too.
Glad you found some pie–eat it while you can! I believe enchilada is Spanish for “eat early and often!” Glad I could help. Enjoy!
Kev, in retrospect, I should have waited for the food at Fireman’s, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Speaking of Fireman, he was named long before I got here and may have been named in a different Hash. There was a time, though, that he almost burned down Alta Vista (accidentally), so maybe the name derives from that incident.
Yes, there is a feeling of familiarity with the rolling hills and landscapes here. Sometimes the dominance of Easter Mountain reminds me of my life in Prescott, AZ, when I was greeted each day with a view of Thumb Butte.
I was hurrying to get back On-Home before that rain you can see on the bay reached us. Luckily, most of it stayed off shore, so no one got wet. It was a good and lucky day for sure!
It is great to be surrounded by beauty. Keeps the depression at bay.