But the symptoms I’ve experienced this morning are eerily similar to those I had when I caught the COVID last year. The first thing I noticed was feeling cold–I was actually shivering. I don’t run the aircon in my room, but I did have the ceiling fan and a floor fan blowing the air around. I turned those off and put on a second shirt. I felt dizzy walking into the living room, so I sat down and grabbed my thermometer–38.6 degrees–that’s in the fever zone. I went back to bed and tried to sleep it off but didn’t have much luck with that. In addition to the shivers and fever, I have no energy and feel completely lethargic. Whatever this is has hit me hard.
My helper, who is actually a certified caregiver, has been plying me with tea and feeding me various pills. I stayed in bed until noon, and now I’m sitting at my desk writing this post. I guess the drugs might be working because I just took my temperature again, and it is down to 37.6. Maybe it’s not COVID after all.
I was fine last night, maybe slightly inebriated at the end of my bar crawl, but that’s not unusual.

As I was sitting there enjoying my drink, I got a message from a restaurant waitress I’m acquainted with saying it was her birthday and she didn’t have a cake. She’s the sister of a friend’s girlfriend, and she said he had told her to contact me to buy a cake because he is currently out of the country. Yeah, it seemed a little shady, but on the other hand, I don’t mind helping to make someone’s day special. So, I left Hideaway and bought a cake at the local Goldilocks store. Got some ice cream to go with it too.
When I dropped it off, I got a weird vibe and not much of a thank you, either. It was a little off-putting, but I kept my word, and hopefully, she enjoyed the cake. Next year she’ll be on her own, however.
My next stop was Wet Spot, and of course, Aine was there to greet me.

I’m not sure what I said or did, but I somehow managed to piss her off. I’d just bought her another lady drink, and the next thing I know, she walked away from my table. I went to the CR, and when I passed the stage, she was up there dancing. Very weird. I paid my tab and left. I think I will find me a new favorite next time I’m in Wet Spot.

I made Queen Victoria my last stop of the night. Had a free drink coupon to use and then stayed for another. It was all pretty hazy at that point, but I made it home alive.

I did have some success on my grocery shopping excursion to the Royal supermarket. Fresh milk was back in stock, and for the first time in about six months, they had cream cheese frosting available. There is going to be a carrot cake in the near future.

Alright, I somehow managed to sit here and do this post without collapsing. Actually, with the fever down, I’m not feeling the waves of dizziness. I think I’m getting my energy level up a notch or two as well. Not nearly as lethargic as I was this morning. Maybe I’ll be “normal” again tomorrow. Or as normal as I get, anyway.
Get well soon!
When you caught COVID last year, did you get your infection confirmed via a test? Will you get yourself tested this time around?
I didn’t get an official diagnosis, but the two other people in the car with me did, and it was COVID. I doubt I’ll get a test this time, either. No need to get the government involved.
So if last year really was COVID, then natural immunity is no guarantee against reinfection, nor does it dull the effects of reinfection, given that this current bout has hit you hard. Hmmm.
On the bright side, if you’re going to be flat on your back, this might be a good time to watch “Squid Game”!
Get well soon.
We all know your feelings about the covid situation.
Hopefully, you don’t experience the full effects.
In the event that you feel better, allow me some vitriolic abuse aimed towards your recent behavior.
Much of it is what you’ll be thinking or feeling, but a stranger on the internet has the appropriate words to convey.
‘ a sister of a friend’s girlfriend ‘ is already quite convoluted. That the person was instructed to contact you to buy a birthday cake π for such a stretch of an acquaintance confirms my suspicions.
You’re the mark, the sap , the simp, the bank that grants loans never to be repaid, the schmuck, the village idiot, the walking ATM. As soon as I read the first line of your paragraph I knew you’d get no word of thanks . She just whistled and expected you to come , with the cake π no thanks necessary π That she even deemed it important to talk to you when you delivered the cake π is in itself amazing . People don’t usually show gratitude for an obvious expected act.
But you’re a happy sap…a relatively rich sap. In fact , you willingly partake in this hoodwinking simp behavior… I guess I should congratulate you for staying consistent. Your friends , foreign and local, are now comfortable enough to refer strangers to you to get financial help. The bell π has been rung ; you’re the schmuck people can come to for easy money π° π€
The fact that you’ve been having such a lousy experience in bars with people whose job it is to pretend to be polite to you because you literally pay for their company π π That is a different level of sadness π
Now you’re gonna plan an elaborate way to avenge this slight ….by not visiting the said bar for a few months, and not responding to the pleas of the lady, but you’ll definitely be charitable to her cousin’s boyfriend’s sister π
You’ll angrily walk past the bar for the next few weeks, and the withholding of your money from the establishment will give you solace . Then all will be forgotten and you’ll visit again, with the same results.
I would like to end this diatribe with a positive message βΊοΈ
At least you have your health
And you have your money π°
So that’s good π
As long as you’re happy π π
We all have roles in this society
Thanks for the feedback, James. Well, in my own defense, I’ll say the cake and ice cream were less than fifteen bucks, and I’ll spend that much in the bars most nights anyway. I carry 5000 pesos in my wallet at the start of my night out, and I usually have a couple of thousand left when I get back home.
I did think it was a weird request because I’m not really close to this person. Since her sister’s boyfriend and my pal is in the USA, there was no way to contact him to verify the story. I will though when gets back home. Again, I did not mind buying her a birthday cake; I just didn’t appreciate her apparent ungrateful attitude. Oh well, lesson learned.
I’m not sure if I have my health or not, but I do seem better this morning. I can also see a very slight improvement in my nasal blockage, so hopefully, the meds my doc provided are working.
Yes, I don’t have to worry about money, especially with the peso/dollar exchange rate being so high right now. I’m sure Biden will find a way to screw things up, but for now, I’m living large and enjoying it.
Kev, this may not be COVID; it’s just that the symptoms are so similar to what I experienced last year. Last night, my fever went back to normal, and then when I rechecked it in the wee hours of the morning, it was back up to 38.5.
I had absolutely no energy at all, sleeping throughout the day. I tried to watch some TV, but my attention span was practically nil. I never left the house, not even to walk the dogs. I was also experiencing pain in both of my shoulders–not sure if that was illness-related or spending so much time lying in bed.
I’m writing this at two in the morning because I’ve had way more sleep than I usually do, and my brain said, get your ass out of bed. You can go back to sleep later if you need. That big head is not near as much fun as the little head. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t go out for some drinks, although it could have been when I was suffering the COVID symptoms last year.
I’m not totally writing off natural immunity…I was on the couch for the three days when I had my first bout with COVID. If what’s happening now is indeed COVID, it is much milder than my first go-round. So, I wouldn’t totally discount natural immunity.
I’m trying to remain optimistic that I can go out a play some today. So far, I’ve not heard of anyone else suffering from my symptoms. Monday’s Hash, with nearly 100 in attendance from all over, could have been one of those super spreader events. It will be interesting to see if anyone else in attendance got sick.
If nothing else I appreciate the pic of Aine. Enjoy what you can and move on.
Low-calorie eye candy!