Twenty-nine years…

…and going on thirty. Happy Anniversary to the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers!

I enjoyed yesterday’s short version of the trail (4K) quite a lot. It had a tough climb up to the top of Kalaklan ridge, and then it was all downhill from there. Ninety-four attendees (about double our usual turnout), including contingents from Puerto Galera and Angeles City. I’ll share photos from the event at the end of this post.

My other news from Monday is my visit to the doctor. Once again, I had the full attention of two physicians (husband and wife) for nearly an hour. Not all doc talk either; some pleasant banter and chat were also included. My primary complaint is the nasal congestion I’ve been dealing with for several months now. The previous doctor I consulted wanted to perform surgery to remove some bloated nodules in my nasal passages. I’m just not comfortable with the idea of being under general anesthesia during the operation. Way back in the day, a healthy teenage friend was having minor knee surgery and never woke up. I’m still not ready for the big sleep.

Anyway, Dr. Jo and her husband both agreed that other courses of action should be pursued rather than surgery. So I’m doing a new regimen of drugs and natural remedies to hopefully alleviate the congestion and shrink my nose modules. Time will tell if it works.

I also discussed my vaccination dilemma. Like me, they both have real concerns about the long-term impact of the vaccines on the body’s immune system, noting that people who are vaxxed appear more likely to contract the latest COVID variants. I mentioned reading stories about otherwise healthy people, including three doctors in Canada, mysteriously dropping dead after receiving booster shots. They agreed that since I’ve had COVID already, there is no medically justifiable reason for me to risk the side effects associated with the vaccination. When I explained my visa situation and my need to leave and then be able to return to the PI, they were sympathetic. I asked, of all the vaccines out there, which one, in their opinion, was potentially the least damaging. They both said Sinovac. The Chinese vaxx? Well, I guess it makes sense since it’s a Chinese virus. The medical reason is that it apparently doesn’t modify the body’s immune system in the way the other vaccines do.

I’ve also had other discussions about getting documentation of vaccination through sources that don’t require getting jabbed. I considered that option long and hard, but in the end, it just seemed too risky. The ones suggesting that course of action have proof of being vaccinated in the USA. Well, okay, if I go that route, and someone at immigration takes a closer look, I’d have a hard time explaining how I got vaxxed in the USA when my passport shows I haven’t left the Philippines since 2019. So, today I asked my helper to find out where I can get a Sinovac shot. I really don’t have a choice. The Philippines is the only country in Asia that I know of still requiring a vaxx for entry. I kept hoping they’d wise up, but that seems more and more unlikely, at least during my diminishing timeline for departure. Oh well. COVID didn’t kill me; maybe the vaxx won’t either.

So oddly enough, I couldn’t remember one of the memories Facebook shared with me today.

Yeah, I vaguely recall having her over for a smoothie, but what’s her name?

Ah, yeah. I blogged about her in a post called There’s something about Mary. After re-reading that, I am pretty sure I was intentionally trying to forget all about her. Not one of my finer moments. Although it did have a residual impact on my getting to know Iline. That didn’t work out either, of course, but I have no regrets about trying.

Wow. That just triggered a memory of the movie The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That’s a great film that I’ve not thought of in ages. Hmm, maybe losing my mind won’t be an entirely pointless journey. We’ll just have to wait and see what might happen next.

By the way, I’m baking brownies now, but I set my phone alarm to trigger my memory about removing them from the oven. Thanks for the tip, Kevin!

Okay, let’s do those Hash photos, shall we? (Just a reminder, these are from a collection by several Hashers, including me.)

The long and the short of it. 10K with several ups and downs for the masochists and a 4K jaunt for the sane group.
The Hash rented Jeepneys to take us to the Olongapo City trailhead.
Exiting the Jeep in Olongapo.
And then it is up the stairs we go.
Up and up, we climb.
Y’all coming?
The steps seemed endless.
A brief rest to catch our wind.
Then we are back at it.
Finally, the stairs were done.
Looking back down on Olongapo.
Let’s celebrate with a selfie.
And another. Pay no attention to that pervert in the back.
And then it was time for the journey back down to Barretto.
Cookie time!
A mountain top farm.
Plodding onward.
Life in the wilderness
The Rolly family.
Getting down!
That’s always a good sign.
It was a good hike, but this is where the wheels came off…
What are you stairing at?
Arriving at the anniversary On-Home, the Bella Monte Hotel.
The Bella Monte is old and somewhat dilapidated. I know there are some expats living here long-term, though. And you can tell it was a very nice place at one time.
Still has a nice pool.
And this must have been really something back in the day.
Sit-n-Bull sent a waitress to take food orders. Ninety-four people was somewhat overwhelming, but they actually did a good job of getting out the grub in a reasonable time.
Girls hanging out.
Guys haveing deep and meaningful discussions over a cold beer.
Roadwhore is a former SBH3 Grandmaster and was a member at the founding.
Time to circle up!
The visiting Corona Hashers on the ice!
Our current Grandmaster, Demolition Derby, is honored for leading his 100th Hash circle.
Thank you for your service!
Here’s the front of my new 29th Anniversary Hash shirt.
And the back

It was definitely the best anniversary run we’ve had this year!

And I didn’t burn the brownies!

Life is good.

1 thought on “Twenty-nine years…

  1. I see you guys are still totin’ a dog around. Hope you eat him soon before he goes bad.

    Congrats on the 29th anniversary! I imagine next year’s party will be even bigger.

    Nice photos, but I guess I’ll just imagine the brownies.

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