I would walk 500 miles

Actually, no I wouldn’t. Okay, I will. But it will take me 53 days. I just did the math. Now, Kevin Kim on the other hand, is fixing to walk from Incheon, on the west coast of Korea, all the way down to Busan, which is at the southeastern tip of the peninsula. That’s around 650 kilometers! Kevin has created a new blog to document his adventure. Feel free to join me in following along.

As a hobby walker I’m always happy to just achieve my 20,000 steps/15 KM daily goal.

Yesterday was a better than normal day. I guess it was just the joy of being back on the familiar turf of Barrio Barretto.

It was mostly a rain free day, which helped. I also spent the afternoon with My Bitch.

It had been quite awhile since I hooked up on this particular path. And from the looks of things no one else had been up there either. The trail in many places was completely overgrown with tall grasses. It made for some treacherous hiking because I could not see the actual trail under my feet. And there are places where a wrong step to either side can send you careening down a steep hill. At one point I completely lost the path which was especially disconcerting. I eventually saw some barbed wire fencing and I recalled the trail ran along side that fence. So, I found my way but vowed “never again” until burn season is here and the grass is torched.

If I were to do a Kevin Kim-like distance hike, I might enjoy something like these four Hashers did back in 2014: Barretto to Angeles City. Here’s a short six minute video of that adventure. Three of the guys were in their sixties, so perhaps there is hope for me yet!

“It took 3 years to find this route, it’s not on any produced maps and only 4 people have the trail. The route is all off road and follows many animal paths and little known trails straight over the top of the Zambales Mountains. This was completed on 25th Feb 2014 and only 4 of us had the courage and ability to undertake it. “
This is the route they took…

Speaking of Hashers, I got a kick out of this Michelob beer commercial, which captures some of intricacies associated with Hashing. Without the perversions and un-PC songs of course! Damn it, I can’t embed for some reason, so you’ll have to click on the link below:


Sometimes this is how I feel when I’m doing a trail laid by one of the more masochistic Hares:


Those bastards!

Hmm, better (bigger) view at the link. Sorry!

So, I kicked off my diet plan yesterday. Had a nice big three egg omelet with ham and mushrooms for breakfast. No lunch, although I did have a handful of nuts. Then I had this for dinner at Sit-n-Bull:

Okay, the cole slaw is not really low in carbohydrates, but damn, it was just too good to resist. I compensated by pulling some of the skin of the chicken wings.

Four more 60 calorie beers at Cheap Charlies, then walked back home. Made a sugar free banana pudding for dessert. It’s a start!

So, my goal is to get down to 190 pounds and then maintain my weight within the 190-195 range. My big surprise yesterday was weighing in at 199 pounds. That’s less than I weighed when I left for Vietnam! Granted, I did weigh-in right after my sweaty mountain hike, so I wasn’t carrying much water weight. Still, being under 200 and appearing fat confirms my suspicion: It’s my damn beer belly that’s the problem. We’ll see what I can do about that (and for the record, I’d rather be fat than give up my beloved beer!). Regardless, I have 10 pounds to go. Let’s see how long that takes.

When I’m lonely, well, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who’s lonely without you
And when I’m dreaming, well, I know I’m gonna dream
I’m gonna dream about the time when I’m with you
When I go out (When I go out), well, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who goes along with you
And when I come home (When I come home), yes, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who comes back home with you
I’m gonna be the man who’s coming home with you

But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door

2 thoughts on “I would walk 500 miles

  1. For what it’s worth, your 20K-step daily average is about three times my daily average because I have days where I don’t do any walking beyond the strolls I take at work. While I never have a “zero steps” day, I’ll have days where I’ve managed only, oh, 6000 steps. On super-lazy Saturdays, I’ve had as low as 250 steps. Heh. All those lazy days drag my average way, way down.

    Anyway, you put in an admirable effort every single day, and I suspect you’d make 500 miles well before the 53-day mark. My upcoming walk is officially 633 km, or about 393 miles. So “I would walk 400 miles…”

    I’m pretty sure that intermittent fasting involves eating during a 6- or 8-hour window of the day, then consuming absolutely nothing else except water for the remaining 16-18 hours. This doesn’t limit you to one meal a day; you could conceivably squeeze in at least two meals during an 8-hour period, but the important thing is not to eat at all for 16-18 hours at a time, and to stay under your basal metabolic rate when it comes to calorie consumption.* That said, good luck getting down to your goal weight! That shouldn’t take more than a couple weeks, tops.


    *Apparently, the medical folks recently changed how one calculates one’s BMR. One quickie method used to be “12 calories per pound of body weight.” That is now considered too generous. I think the current method is closer to 9-10 calories per pound of body weight, but that’s just when you use the simple method of calculation: the actual BMR algorithm is much more complicated and convoluted, factoring in age, general activity level, and other things. Thanks to the changeover, I’ve gone from being a roughly 3500-calorie guy to about a 2600-calorie guy. For me to lose weight at the pace I set while in France last year, eating only a meal a day, I need to have about a 2000-calorie deficit, i.e., if my BMR is around 2600 calories, I need to consume no more than 600 measly calories a day. That’s as painful to me as having no beer is painful to you.

  2. Good info! Appreciate it.

    Yeah, what I’m doing is basically skipping lunch as opposed to intermittent fasting. Although I don’t like counting calories, skipping that meal (and doing low carb on the others) should keep me in negative territory. My fitbit says I’m burning 3500+ most days. HaHa! 600 calories? That’s my SM Zero intake alone! No way I could have the discipline to do that.

    It’s funny, but walking has become a habit/hobby that I enjoy, rather than just a means to an end. Yesterday I got asked to fill in on the dart team. I said no. Then they said a guy was sick and they’d have to forfeit, so I relented. I was disappointed to not be out on the road instead of throwing darts and drinking. I’ve come a long way! 🙂

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