I only did a small portion of yesterday’s Hash trail in deference to my ailing back. The pain is not quite as sharp today and as of now, I intend to do the group hike tomorrow, even if that means gritting my teeth in agony while I walk. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
So, in COVID prevention news, we no longer have to wear those dumbass face shields in the supermarket. I was so pleased heading out to Royal for my shopping excursion this morning without one. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I was asked for my vaccination card by the security guard at the entrance. WTF? I ain’t go one. It was right at opening time and the guard indicated the vaccine requirement wasn’t in effect yet, so I was able to enter the store. I was pissed because it is a stupid policy and especially because there had been absolutely no forewarning. Idiots.
At the checkout stand, I cashed in the points on my Royal rewards card figuring I might not be back anytime soon. That was good for twenty bucks off my groceries. As I was leaving I went to the customer service desk to get clarification on the vax policy–specifically, I wanted to know if applied to all the stores on SBMA (the old Navy base) or only Royal. I didn’t get a clear answer on that, but I suspected it will be SBMA-wide. All the manager could tell me was they were waiting for “the memo”. Well, I just saw on Facebook that people have been turned away this afternoon from both Royal stores. And someone posted this showing that the restriction is indeed SBMA-wide:

So, I’ll be doing my shopping elsewhere for the foreseeable future. You know, I’m actually not anti-vaccination. I just don’t need one since I’ve already had COVID. And if this shit they are forcing on people actually worked, those of us who are unvaccinated wouldn’t pose a threat. And the more they try and force me into getting jabbed, the more I’m inclined to resist. I’ll make up my own mind about when or if I want to be shot. Honestly, it won’t surprise me if immigration starts requiring proof of vaccination to renew your visa. What a crock this all is. I think only about 35% of the general population has been vaccinated, I guess they can eat cake.

Alright, let me share some photos from my abbreviated Hash yesterday:

Now to find out if my bad back will impact my ability to throw darts. Well, at least I’ll have an excuse if I play poorly, legitimate or not. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Well, I know what's right I got just one life In a world that keeps on pushin' me around But I'll stand my ground And I won't back down
Heck, I didn’t know you had the COVID, John. I must have missed a blog or two. You actually have better immunity than those folk who have gotten the vaccine. That my friend is the problem with Sleepy Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate. It’s a one-size-fits-all mandate. Why should someone who has been infected get the shot? Why should someone who works outside all day or drives truck long-haul by himself all day get the shot? I haven’t had the shot. I’m not anti-vaccine either BUT, to use a Libtard quote with regard to abortion. MY BODY MY CHOICE! Right now the United Staes Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has put this mandate on hold, thankfully. It will wind up in the Supreme Court I’m sure. Look, COVID is here to stay, just like the Flu. There’s no Flu mandate and many folks do die from the Flu every year. The mortality rate for COVID is actually quite low but the stats have been skewed. For example, a guy who died from a heart attack that had COVID is now ruled a COVID death. This whole thing is about control. Yeah, the guy who can’t complete a sentence or control his bowels wants to control me. Sorry McCrarey, I’ve rambled on for way too long but this whole COVID thing gets me fired up. LETS GO BRANDON! Peace Out!
Soju, I do believe there are many of us who share these views. I’m just not sure what the end game is. I’ll get the vax when I’m ready and willing, not when I’m told to do so.
Unfortunately, the whole COVID thing has gotten so politicized on both sides.
The misinformation is pretty rampant and neither side has the moral high ground on this one.
For example:
From the left:
“I heard from a friend of a friend or a friend who read somewhere that COVID deaths are greater than any other single cause. If we all dont get vaccinated, the human race will be wiped out.”
From the right
“COVID is just a conspiracy from the left to take away our rights”
etc etc
I say the above tongue in cheek and with a quite a bit of hyperbole, but with all of the noise by by both sides, getting real information is so difficult. And that in turns feeds the misinformation machine.
So, my current philosophy is to stop following any COVID related news. For me at least, not worth it to get excited about news that I am not sure is anywhere close to being correct.
Brian, that approach makes as much sense as any other course of action I suppose. Some things are outside of our control and getting riled up about it isn’t going to change things.
I hope my rare rants about COVID here in the PI are too off-putting!
John, I enjoy the blog, rants and all!
Happy Thanksgiving!