Yeah, I just made up that word but I’m running out of things to name these weekly Hash posts. And that’s just what this is gonna be!
It was a good day on trail overall, albeit a little convoluted. The Hares had set up a couple of different starting points, and I opted for the short trail, which began in barangay Matain (Subic). Including the hike from the VFW in Barretto, I did just under 8K all told. It was all familiar territory, and the Hares were good enough to offer an alternative route for those who were disinclined to climb Black Rock mountain (including me). My only real complaint was that once again, there was a failure to adequately mark the trail. Part of the problem was the Hares, for some reason, used blue chalk to draw the arrows and markings, and that proved very difficult to see. The also chose to be very frugal with laying powder for reasons known only to them. So, there were a couple of places where I got off trail and had to retreat, but I eventually found my way. I also did a bit of a shortcut at the end, but that was of little consequence.
I’ve got a few pictures to share:
Google was watching. (aren’t they always?)It actually took me a while to find the start of the trail in Matain. That blue chalk was practically invisible to me. But this is where it started after my 2K walk from the VFW.Sometimes climbing up steps is easier than a steep dirt trail. But when the stairs are uneven and irregularly spaced, not so much.And there were a LOT of steps…A little village basketball court near the top. That’s my hiking companions on the day, Cum In My Basement, and Black And Dick Her.Praise the Lord, we made it to the top! Reminds me of one of our Hash songs that include reasons why Jesus can’t go Hashing. In this case, Jesus can’t go Hashing ’cause He’s hanging on a cross. The last verse always asks for forgiveness for our blasphemy. On-On!Now that’s what I call an outhouse!Do I smell beer?Why, yes. Yes, I do! The Hares kindly provided a beer stop along the way. I chose not to participate, however. Wanted to stay focused on getting back to our On-Home before imbibing.In the shadow of Easter mountain.That bridge looks perfectly safe to me…Some Hash Gash lovelies…front to back: Whatever You Want, Leech My Pek Pek, and Leaking Pussy.Chili and brats to feed the kennel.I bet you can do that wiener in ONE bite, Wonder Woman.That’s me performing my duties as Circle Jerk, trying to keep those unruly Hashers in line during our Hash circle.Here’s a useful tip: Don’t wear new shoes to the Hash. Unless you enjoy drinking out of them…Socializing after the circle concluded.Watching the sun go down……and the smoke go up.And another Hash Monday came to an end.
I’ll be back tomorrow with an update on my housing situation and some other tidbits from my so-called life.
2 thoughts on “Hasheroni”
Lovely pics as per usual. And the ladies seemed overall cuter than usual, too. I noticed you did the gentlemanly thing and didn’t go for a “bite down on the wiener” joke for that one photo.
Well, I’m not sure gentlemanly is the word for what I was thinking when I saw the wiener in her mouth… 🙂
Lovely pics as per usual. And the ladies seemed overall cuter than usual, too. I noticed you did the gentlemanly thing and didn’t go for a “bite down on the wiener” joke for that one photo.
Well, I’m not sure gentlemanly is the word for what I was thinking when I saw the wiener in her mouth… 🙂