A Hash Monday with the twist of my participation as one of the Hares. We marked the trail yesterday morning so that freed me to do a Baloy Beach hike today. The Hash trail is around 7K and probably a bit more challenging than folks will be expecting from us aged Hares. I briefly considered doing the trail again with the Hashers, but I’m not feeling up to it. Hence my beach walk.
Here are a few photos to give you a glimpse into what passes for my so-called life. I ain’t complaining, it could always be worse. And might be soon if I ain’t careful. More on that in another post.

And now for the Baloy walk:

Feel free to Relive the walk here:
I’m not sure what’s going to happen next in my love life, but this isn’t too far-fetched:

Alright, more updates tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by!
A book on personality types that I’ve had for years talks about the so-called “Pygmalion Project,” in which one lover tries to make the other lover over in his or her image (referencing the GB Shaw play Pygmalion, which became the musical “My Fair Lady,” in which a professor takes an uncultured woman and remakes her into a proper lady). The personality book was of the opinion that people ought to love each other for who they are, not for what we’d like them to be. No Pygmalion Project! There is, of course, a fine line: if, for example, my lover is into hard drugs, I’ll definitely do what I can to get her off them because I know the drugs will ultimately wreck her life. But drinking the way you do? I don’t get the impression that you’re an eternally drunken Irishman, so here’s hoping Pearl recognizes this and leaves you alone. Then again, there may be room for negotiation. If you’re serious about having her in your life, perhaps you can compromise a bit. A little compromise might be good; you don’t want to be too crusty and inflexible.
Yeah, other than “slow down” Pearl hasn’t said much about my drinking. She probably is more opposed to my drinking with bargirls than anything. I still thought the meme was funny though.
“Slow down” is not too bad, just let her know you drink fast to be able to spend more time focused on her.
QP, there’s an idea…
Reminds me of the old adage:
A guy enters a relationship thinking he has found the perfect girl and does not want her to change at all
A gal enters a relationship thinking she has found a pretty good guy, and with a few changes, he will be perfect.
What happens is that as the relationship progresses, the gal is the one who changes while the guy cant or won’t change.
Both end up being disappointed.
(A cynical take, I admit. Just thought it was kind of funny)
Yeah, I hear you, Brian. I will elaborate some more in today’s post. I’m thinking though that this one is on me…there are just some things that make me think walking away is the safest course of action.