Good times!

Enjoyed an evening out on SBMA (the old Navy base) last night. It was good to have a break from the Barretto scene for a change. We started out at the Lighthouse resort hotel. The bar there features a buy one, get one, happy hour. The ridiculous thing is that beers were 120 pesos each ($2.40) which is higher than any bar I’ve seen in these parts. Of course, with the two for one, the price is more reasonable at 60 pesos. That’s what Cheap Charlies charges. So, when you ordered a beer they brought a coupon for a free beer. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t just say beer is 60 pesos during happy hour. Would have made it easier on everyone. That’s the Philippines!

A very scenic location to enjoy libations.
Not sure why this place is called the Lighthouse.
Some of my drinking companions.

When it came time for me to pay up, they tried to double charge me. I convinced the cashier that wasn’t going to happen. Probably an honest mistake–the servers never took names and had to sort through all the tickets to figure out who owed what.

Our next stop was a restaurant up the road called Black Tail. I’d never been, but members of our group spoke highly of it. There were twelve at our table and the place was really hopping with other customers. Service was good, the kitchen slow, but that’s understandable given the volume of meals that needed to be prepared.

My dining companions.

I ordered the filet mignon. It was very reasonably priced at around ten dollars. It tasted just fine, what little there was of it. Guess it is true that you get what you pay for.

More like an appetizer than a meal if you ask me…

Anyway, it was a good time and I am glad I was able to participate.

From the Facebook memories feature today is this golden oldie:

“Are you sure the baby is mine?”

That would have been 2010 or so and that old fat guy was destined to die a painful death just five years later. Of course, the new and improved version of myself is still in the game!

I am not feeling well today for some reason. I injured my right leg in a fall about a month ago and it has been slowly healing ever since. Or at least I thought it was. This morning I awoke to pain and swelling and I have no idea why. I’ve sent helper to the drug store for some antibiotics, assuming my self-diagnosis of infection is correct. Walking is a little painful but my main complaint is I once again am suffering from a lack of energy. That could be a problem because I’m one of the Hares tomorrow. As of now, I plan to suck it up and fulfill my duties and responsibilities to the Hash.

And that brings you up to date on my life in the Philippines. Oh, a friend was planning to travel back to the USA in August so he signed up for a vaccination at the Barretto barangay office. They called and said come on down. He asked which vaccine it was and they responded sinovac, the almost worthless shot from China. He told them “no, thanks” and canceled his flight. I’m with him, no hurry to get vaccinated but when I do it won’t be from the same fuckers who created the pandemic.

A sucker is born every minute is as true now as it ever was.

2 thoughts on “Good times!

  1. A filet mignon is a cut of a beef tenderloin, and it’s never going to be that big. Now, a Porterhouse, by contrast…

  2. Yeah, guess I should have ordered two. Actually, the guy across from me at the table got a plate of tacos as an appetizer for his filet mignon. Lesson learned!

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