Getting down

With group hikes three days a week it gets difficult to find new and different trails to explore. On Fridays we tend to get a bit more adventurous, taking public transportation (Jeepney) out of town a bit then hiking from there. Hence, yesterday we headed out to the far side of Subic town and hiked back. Our course led us up one moderate mountain and down the other side. Going up is never easy for me and this trail was no exception. But getting down proved to be the real challenge. When you are in unfamiliar territory it is easy to get turned around and miss the intended path. Sometimes we lose the path completely and have to “bushwhack” our way through undergrowth until we can discover an established trail. This happened on the downside of the mountain yesterday and the going was tough. Steep it was and the dead leaves covering the ground made it very difficult to keep your footing. There were also these roots growing all over that would get wrapped around your ankle and trip you up periodically. Not fun!

Anyway, all in a day’s hike. We made it down and near the bottom found the trail we had intended to take. A few slips and falls, but no injuries. I suppose having some adventure in life to counteract the recent drama is a good thing. Or so I keep telling myself.

To the photos then:

From Waltermart back to Barretto.
Out of the Jeepney…
…and onto our pathway home.
A brief stroll along the river.
This tree growing out of the concrete riverbank caught my eye.
Heading for the hills.
Max was turning over a new leaf.
Sheryl on the way up.
A view from on high.
Rest and regroup.
And yes, we could see the usually hidden far side of Easter mountain from here. Those terraces near the bottom used to be part of a now-closed landfill.
A bloomin’ beauty.
The valley below.
Movin’ on out.
A brief view of the bay before heading back down.
Down but not out.
Really no photos capturing the treacherous downhill journey, but here is Troy near the end of the descent. You can perhaps see that it was still steep even at the bottom. Troy NEVER uses a stick, but he did on yesterday’s climb down.
Things were just a little out of cycle I guess.
The first “houses” we saw since leaving Subic behind.
Time to offload some cookies and candies.
Some news from Korea amongst the leaves on the trail.
The final 2K on the road to Barretto.

That was my morning. Sucked at darts last night, so I sucked down some beers at Queen Victoria after being eliminated before the money round. Then it was home for some well-earned sleep.

We’ll see what’s on tap (or more likely, in the bottle) tonight. Any life is a good life. Especially considering the deadly alternative, right?

3 thoughts on “Getting down

  1. Cool walk.

    John, I assume that domestic travel is not an issue for you? Seems like it may be worthwhile to take a week (or so) trip somewhere to reset a bit.

    I think at least getting out of Barretto for a bit would do be good for the body, brain, and soul. With this new fangled thing they call the “internet”, I am sure you can research a place that would tick the boxes as a getaway.

    I know you have a streak going with your Hash, but when something like that becomes more of a business rather than a pleasure, not sure it is worth it. (Not saying that you dont enjoy doing the Hash, but when it comes to “OH, I have to be there Monday, whether I really feel like it or not”, then it starts crossing the line from being fun to being a chore IMO. Maybe you dont have that feeling, so in which case, disregard what I said. LOL)

  2. Thanks, Brian. Yeah, I really do need to take a trip out of town. Some places I’ve been wanting to see. I haven’t been vaxxed so flying may not be an option. But the Hash streak isn’t really my priority–the 120 straight Mondays on trail is a reflection of my pandemic prison sentence. Once my freedom is restored I’ll be back to three or four international trips a year.

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