Sorry for yesterday’s cryptic post. I was having a bad day. Today is a new day and maybe that rotation of the earth provided some much-needed perspective. At least now I am resolved to accept the bad that comes with the good and not let my emotions overwhelm me when things aren’t going right. I’m still not sure what the long-range will bring but I do feel a bit more in control of my destiny. I’m confident I’ll figure out an acceptable way forward.
There were some positive aspects to the day. The Wednesday Walkers hike was a nice distraction. We inadvertently took a path that led us to one of the hardest climbs I’ve attempted in quite some time. It was a steep motherfucker and covered in loose leaves and soft dirt. Trying to get a grip to avoid sliding backward after each step was a real challenge. We eventually made it to the top unscathed after what we all agreed would be a once-in-a-lifetime event–never going that way again! I still came away with a sense of accomplishment, so there’s that. Pictures from the hike are at the bottom of this post.
My Lagoon dart league team pulled off a 12-1 victory over our opponents from Queen Victoria bar. It was closer than the score indicates–we won the games but didn’t dominate. That kind of challenge makes darts more fun.
A former teammate of ours lives at Lagoon in one of their monthly studio apartments. He’s been hospitalized at a public hospital in Olongapo for the past week. That particular hospital has a reputation amongst the expats as “the place where you go to die”. We had been working on making arrangements to have him transferred to a much better facility in Angeles City. In the process of getting him released, we were advised he had tested positive for COVID. That precluded sending him to Angeles City. We were all gobsmacked to learn that he was still being released but would have to undergo home quarantine for seven days. So, he was transported by ambulance back to a resort hotel where presumably he’ll be confined to his room. Crazy times, but wishing him the best.
To those hike photos then:

re: tough hike
Looks to have been a nasty climb.
“Well, better you than me,” he said selfishly.
As always, good pics.
Here’s hoping that your friend recovers soon with minimal long term effects.