Or should I say, floating on the bar and enjoying the breeze? I guess it was some of both. I’ll get to that, but first, let’s cover the morning activities. I’m one of the Hares for today’s Hash trail, so that meant going out to mark our path with chalk and powder. Today is also our annual Candy Run, so we’ll be handing out sweets to the kids we encounter along the way. And it just so happens that the trail we laid for today is primarily the same route we take when Swan and I do our weekly Sunday Candy Walk. So, it was the proverbial killing two birds with one stone activity–we marked the trail and dispensed goodies to our Sunday regulars. Here’s a glimpse of how it all went down:

My plan today is to head out on the trail a little before the main group and let the kids know that Santa is on his way. I’ll also need to remark the portion that we’ve eliminated so no one takes a wrong turn. Here’s hoping for a successful Candy Run!

Next up was the Hideaway feeding, which went according to plan. I gifted each of the girls a Christmas envelope containing 500 pesos. I told them Santa knows you’ve been naughty, but that’s the way he likes it.

With my work at Hideaway completed, it was time to welcome back the Arizona floating bar.

So, as I understand it, Friday was the first day of operations this year. That’s about six weeks later than usual. The story I heard was that while in storage, the floater had been hit by thieves who stole everything that wasn’t nailed down, including the wiring. I’ve not seen much buzz on social media about the re-opening. We were the only customers when we first arrived. Other than the manager, none of the gals working looked familiar. And when we sat down, we were surrounded by half a dozen thirsty girls. I don’t roll that way; I might reward my waitress and bartender, but I don’t succumb to lady drink pressure. Swan hates it when the girls invade our space.

Anyway, I knew that once they figured out we weren’t buying their company they’d move on, and soon enough they did. It helped when another customer boarded and they flocked to his side.

Anyway, I don’t think we’ll be bothered on our next visit now that the girls have figured out we don’t randomly buy drinks.

Next up, a short stroll to John’s place for dinner.

It was nice to see our old waitress friend EmJhae back to work part-time at John’s. Good service and good food are tough to beat. Swan had the birria tacos, one of my menu favorites. I was craving some pulled pork, so I ordered the sandwich without the bun.

Swan wanted to do a nightcap at the Green Room, so off we went. A couple more beers for me, a wine for Swan, and a lady drink for Chu and Sally. They both got 500 pesos for Christmas, too.

As usual, I kept myself entertained by watching the pool players of varying skill levels compete. And when I saw this comic today, I got a good chuckle:

I’m thinking I might play some pool more often during my bar visits. I might as well since I enjoy watching so much. Hmm, a New Year’s resolution?
I got back home a little later than usual (the floating bar experience added an hour or so to our routine), did the pudding thing, and then off to bed. Good times!

It just so happens that five years ago, the Hash was also doing its annual Candy Run:

Today’s YouTube video features Reekay holding court on the issue of women with tattoos. I despise them, although a small, discretely placed one (preferably out of sight) is tolerable. Judging from the comments, the vast majority of menfolk agree with my take.
And now for the fun part:

Another day, another post. Here’s hoping there are many more days to come. I’ll share how today’s Candy Run goes tomorrow.
And here’s a funny “Jingle Bell Rock” parody music video from that funny Filipino, Mikey Bustos. Enjoy!
So you marked the Hash trail yesterday, then did almost the same trail for your candy run today? Just making sure I have the chronology right.
The Godmother (Swan) hands off a Christmas envelope and some sweets for her newly acquired Godchild.
Was there a ceremony/ritual where Swan was recognized as a godmother? I was designated the godfather of my best friend’s daughter, and this was made “official” when I was there for my goddaughter’s baptism.
I’ll also need to remark the portion that we’ve eliminated so no one takes a wrong turn.
Good luck with the re-marking. May no one get lost.
We were the only customers we we first arrived.
I can smell the brain fart from here.
although a small, discretely placed one
Once again, with feeling:
discrete = distinct
discreet = secret; hidden; surreptitious (& by connotation: tasteful)
Maybe you made the error on purpose…?
re: Kirk meme
I’m sure his favorite day of the week is Hump Day.
So you marked the Hash trail yesterday, then did almost the same trail for your candy run today?
No, what I meant to say was that we marked the Hash trail DURING our Candy Walk on Sunday. The Hash trail was mostly the same, just a little longer.
I don’t fully understand the godparent process, but no formal ritual was involved. Swan gave the mother a piece of paper with her name on it, and a small cash donation, and that was it. I’ll find out more tomorrow when I become one for a niece of Swan’s.
We were the only customers we we first arrived
The scary thing is my brain was still farting when I did the proofreading.
Maybe you made the error on purpose…?
I wish I could take the coward’s way out and say the error was in fun. Alas, it was just another embarrassing fuck-up. The crazy thing is I fully understand the distinction between “discrete” and “discreet.” I guess in my discretion, I chose to be wrong; I just should have been more discreet about it.
“Hump Day”–that’s a good one. For Kirk, every day is Hump Day!
In the PI, what is the reason for getting someone to be godparent? There are responsibilities that come with it in the US, but not sure what the purpose is in the PI.
Brian, as far as I can tell, the only “responsibilities” associated with being a godparent here involve money. You are expected to gift cash on birthdays, Christmas, and other occasions when your godchild is in need. I understand my name was included in the christening documents (I didn’t attend the event) and I gave my goddaughter’s mother 1000 pesos to commemorate the occasion.