Floating my blues away

Time it was
And what a time it was
It was . . .
A time of innocence
A time of confidences

Long ago . . . it must be . . .
I have a photograph
Preserve your memories
They're all that's left you

Like the ebb and flow of the sea, the days come and go bringing opportunities for joy and sorrow. How you choose to fill the hours is entirely up to you. Here’s what I did yesterday:

The Wednesday Walkers had tentatively planned to be dropped off in Tibag and then walk the dirt paths through the hills all the way to Waltermart in Subic town. Alas, there was some miscommunication with the intended driver, who never showed up. So, we improvised a walk on the backroads and wound up at Waltermart anyway. Not as pleasant as the Tibag route, but that will be there for another day.

A tad over 8K from start to finish
Off we go!
We did manage to stay off the pavement about half the time.
Through the valley
Don’t mind us; we’re just passing through.
You looking at me?
The rice paddy is dry this time of year. Next month not so much.
A familiar peak
The nature of things
Fenced in, eh, Scott?
Not much room to spare when crossing Bridge #4.
An unintentional work of art.
Thick it is
Up the old dirt road
A brief jaunt on the Govic highway
A visit to the local sari-sari for some liquid refreshments
Over the river
On the mean streets of Maga-Vaca
Destination achieved

A jeepney ride back to Barretto, some lunch, and then time to prepare for the rest of the day.

Sadly, I forget them by the next morning.

So, there was an all-day brown-out in Barretto, and businesses without generators were forced to close, including Hideaway. So, I was freed from my Wednesday feeding chore. Don’t worry; I’ll be making up for it by bringing vittles for the Hideaway girls tonight. I decided it would be a good day to visit the Kokomos floating bar on Baloy. I even baked a batch of brownies to share with the crew.

Ships on the water
A zoom view of the American Navy vessel still in town
“And my heart is sinking like the setting sun…”
“…setting on the things I wish I’d done…”
“…it’s time to say goodbye to yesterday…”
“…This is where the cowboy rides away.”

(from the lyrics of one of my favorite George Strait songs)

I drank alone on the floater last night and given my recent experiences with bargirls, that was probably for the best. The gals on board did seem to enjoy the brownies, though. When it was time for me to go, I walked the beach in the dark.

And caught a glimpse of the almost full moon.

I did my nightcap at Snackbar on the way home. Been quite some time since my last visit, and most of the familiar faces were gone. Not many customers either. I got home early enough for a couple more episodes of Lucifer before hitting the hay.

I hadn’t really considered that before. And I don’t remember Franklin saying that either.

So, a pretty good day all and all. Certainly better than the day that preceded it. Oh, and here’s an update on my knee: It was bothering me early in the hike yesterday, but I trudged on, and by the end of our trek, it felt almost normal again. Maybe I really did walk it off.

That’s the most steps I’ve managed in over a week.

No problems at all on my 7K walk this morning, either. I hope the knee problem is behind me for good.

Speaking of my morning walk, look what I found, Kevin Kim:

Two gloves are better than one, and some poor fella has none now.

Alright, time to go bake some brownies for the feeding tonight at Hideaway. And we’ll see how the night goes after that. Thanks for dropping by!

Ride ’em, cowboy!

2 thoughts on “Floating my blues away

  1. An unintentional work of art.

    Bamboo, at a guess…? Very artistic, indeed. And it’s fascinating to see how different those interior diameters are.

    And caught a glimpse of the almost full moon.

    Nice pic! That bright “star” off to the left might be Jupiter. When in doubt, it’s almost always either Jupiter or Venus. I’d know better if I knew anything about navigating via the stars.

    And I don’t remember Franklin saying that either.

    These days, you can’t trust any quote you see on the internet.
    —Booker T. Washington

    No problems at all on my 7K walk this morning, either. I hope the knee problem is behind me for good.

    Did I miss something, here? Did you go in for a followup visit with your docs? I mean, if you feel good, then you feel good, but it’d be nice to get a reading on what might have been the cause of all this.

    Two gloves are better than one, and some poor fella has none now.

    That’s a red-letter day, finding gloves in pairs. I’ve found pairs before, too, but normally, I just find singletons.

    A good day, a good walk. Some measure of contentment, I hope.

  2. Yeah, I think it is bamboo. They use it for everything here.

    Your eyes are better than mine…I never saw a planet live or in the photograph.

    No follow-up with the docs yet; I need to get that ultrasound done first. I also found a place that does blood work and other medical tests–I’m going to do one of their packages and see what else is going on inside this old body. The knee symptoms seem to have receded, don’t know if that means I’ve healed naturally or if the intermittency has just been extended for a lengthy period of time. Either way here’s hoping it lasts!

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