Down in the valley

The valley so low. Both physically and metaphorically.

This morning I explored a valley I’ve skirted the edges of several times. It’s mostly rice paddies with a few scattered shacks here and there. It might be something I can incorporate into a future Hash trail, especially if I need something flatter for rainy season. We’ll see.

The view as I entered the valley from the San Isidro side…
And you might recognize “Easter” mountain on the far side of the valley.
I’m not sure what this stuff was, but it gave off a strong “Children of the Corn” vibe as I hurried through…
And finally, looking back from whence I came.
Not a bad morning’s work.

I’ve been in a funk these past couple of days. In fact, today is the first day I’ve made it out for a hike since Monday. That is not at all in keeping with my walkaholic nature. The lack of energy and motivation and the difficulty I’m experiencing sleeping are reminiscent of the symptoms I’ve had in past bouts with depression. I’m hoping I can pull myself out of myself before I fall deeper into that black pit. Overcoming my inclination to blow off walking again this morning was a good first step (well, more like 12,000 steps) in moving onward and upward.

This too shall pass and all that jazz.

Down in the valley valley so low
Hang your head over hear the wind blow
Hear the wind blow dear hear the wind blow
Hang your head over hear the wind blow

I didn’t realize this song was written by Pete Seeger. Learn something new everyday!

4 thoughts on “Down in the valley

  1. May the dark clouds blow away soon. You’ve got people in other countries who’re rooting for you.

    As for that tall grass… it reminded me a bit of elephant grass (which is apparently a generic term for several types of tall grass).

  2. No shame in a script for meds if need be. I’ve been taking Celexa for a number of years for bouts of depression and anger. Much of that is job-related but a tad bit of anger comes from listening to the Libtards and their attempt to ruin my beloved country. The meds have made a world of difference. If I can hang in there for 4 more years I can join you in the ranks of retirees living life on their terms. No PI in my plans but seriously looking in to life in Korea again as a civilian this time. A tad bit more expensive but some of my best memories are of my life there(4.5 years). And I still say Korean gals are the hottest Asian women. Hope you are feeling better and as always Peace Out!

  3. Thanks, Soju. Agree that Korean lasses are the hottest on the outside, but might be coldest on the inside. Yeah, doing a civilian gig would be a great opportunity. Especially if you get your housing paid for. Good luck with sticking it out to retirement.

    Yeah, glad I’m watching the liberal implosion from afar. Still thinking they are only going to hurt themselves in the long run. At least I hope so!

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