Down by the riverside

Greetings from barangay Pundaquit, city of San Antonio, in lovely Zambales province. I am safely ensconced in my comfortable room at Monty’s and enjoying my mini-vacation from the land of no running water.

Easy enough getting here.

The 35K from Barretto to Pundaquit would be all in a day’s walk for Kevin Kim. He’s just begun this year’s top to bottom of South Korea trek (635K), so be sure to follow along at the link above. Sitting at the bar in Monty’s last night, I imagined what his average daily hike of over 30K would be like. Then I thought about walking from Barretto to Pundaquit. Nope, I don’t think so. Not in this lifetime anyway.

Arrived here late in the afternoon, so didn’t do much other than get settled in. I’ve been to Monty’s before, so the isolation that comes with it wasn’t a surprise. It was a little strange to be the only guests on a Friday night. I guess the locals were not out and about or went somewhere else to grab a beer.

That’s my room there on the right.
The main bar is downstairs, but there is also a very pleasant seating area upstairs.
I only stayed upstairs to finish a beer and snap a few photos.
The pool is smallish but nice. Of course, I never use the pool.
Now, that’s what a real river is supposed to look like, not those concrete-lined obscenities I see back home.
It was entertaining to watch the farm folk across the river bringing their cows down on leashes for a drink. I also saw a guy planting something lilly-like in the water.
And this guy was a fisherman of sorts. That’s a battery on his back and he was shocking some kind of small fish with that stick and placing them in a pouch he was wearing.
A ground-level view of the pool area
The entrance to the bar. Yeah, that dog, Mia, wanders about. She’s very friendly and well-behaved.
The view from my perch at the bar.
And the view of my supper–a very big and very tasty chicken burger.
And then there were my sundown shots…
…(almost) gone.

I lasted at the bar until seven or so and was the only customer (other than Swan). Then it was back to the room and early to bed. I did make arrangements for an island boat tour this morning, and I’ll post about that adventure tomorrow. Later this afternoon I’ll hire a trike to take me to my favorite Pundaquit watering hole, The Car Wash, for the night’s beer ingestion. There is supposedly going to be a live band to provide some additional entertainment. Should be fun.

In the meantime, I’ve got your daily humor dose ready to go:

HIs name must be “Shorty”

Maybe I should feel more guilty about posting memes:

Well, I guess my readership is so low that I’m not a major contributor to the time-wasting crowd. But thanks for reading anyway!

For my closing number, I was going to use one of my favorite Neil Young songs, “Down By the River,” but I discovered I’d already used that song for a post last year. And then I came across a song called “Riverside” that I’d never even heard of (nor the singer, Agnes Obel) before. I kinda liked it, though, so here it is:

4 thoughts on “Down by the riverside

  1. HIs name must be “Shorty”

    Well, you know what they say about that Irish curse. “Jaysus,” indeed.

    Looks to be a nice vacation spot.

    I’d never walk 35K in your local heat and humidity. I’d die after a single km.

  2. No, I don’t know about any Irish curses. Well, other than St. Patrick.

    Jaysus, Kevin! You’d adapt to the weather here like the rest of us. Well, maybe not 35K worth, but still.

  3. Well the sign confused me. I thought the dog on the sign was Monty. I saw the arrow below Mia’s name and figured she was a bartender and follow the arrow to get a drink and meet Mia. Doesn’t take much to confuse me. Who the heck is Monty then?

    That grass outside the room looks pretty nice. Nice enough to practice some putting.

    Might be a stretch to call a guy using a stick to electrocute fish a fisherman. Imagine what that dude could do with dynamite. Or as Jimmy walker would say, Dy-No-Mite!

    I was diggin the sundown scenes. It made me think of some lyrics from way back when. “Sundown you better take care, If I find you been creeping round my back stairs”. Remember that one John? Name the artist.

    Enjoy your mini-vacation! Take care.

    Peace Out!

  4. Soju, Monty is the American owner. He wasn’t around this weekend.

    Ha, that grass was better groomed than most of the golf courses around here. Or so I’ve been told.

    Yeah, it doesn’t seem like a sporting way to fish. Still, your options are limited when you are going after the minnow-sized catch.

    Sundown is one of my favorites by Gordon Lightfoot. I even know the words by heart!


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