Dicking around

Daughter Avery sent me a link to a story about a woman who draws dicks on her fitness GPS maps. She’s got quite the talent for it:

Some of these look long and hard. *ahem*

Avery suggested I give it a try so I did this one while walking the dogs this morning.

Cut me some slack, it was a virgin effort!

Anyway, I don’t think I’ll be spending much time trying to improve my dick pics. Face it, I’m just not into dicks and they are certainly not into me. Not that there is anything wrong with it.

I found a better map option on my fitness tracker and I’ll be using it to document some of my standard hikes. This morning I did one of my regular walking trails, all on city streets. It looks like this:

When I walk it in the opposite direction, I usually take the beach.

Speaking of hiking, yesterday’s Hash was a little disappointing. The Hares did a poor job marking the trail and I lost it a couple of times. Even though I was able to eventually reconnect with the intended route it was frustrating. I wound up short-cutting the trail because I lost faith in the Hares and didn’t want to proceed up into the hills only to get lost yet again.

The other thing that made the Hash a little awkward was my breakup with Salty Cum/Marissa. I was surprised to see her there as she had told me she wouldn’t be coming. She did not walk with me however and also did not join me during the beer drinking when we were on-home for the after Hash activities. Watching her sitting and laughing with her Hash girlfriends made me a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Anyway, it is what it is and I keep telling myself it is for the best. Just got to stay strong and move on out to find the next big thing.

3 thoughts on “Dicking around

  1. Didn’t know you could break up with Marissa because I’d thought you two were were just an on-again, off-again thing, i.e., not a true couple in any sense: I thought you were “friends with benefits” or whatever, even though I’m not sure that sort of relationship is stable or even advisable. Too much potential for self-destruction. Anyway, I’m still convinced there’s no value in being with someone like that. Why waste your life on useless, fruitless pursuits? Time is precious. (To be clear, I’m preaching that last part to myself even as I’m preaching it to you.)

    Maybe, just for Malissa, you could walk a path that describes a giant hand giving the finger to the cosmos. Call it the Mal-ware Trek. It can serve as an alternative to My Bitch.

  2. D’oh—I said “Malissa” when I meant “Marissa.” I have a cute (but way too young) coworker with the former name. There must be some mental static preventing my fingers from doing what the brain commands.

  3. Didn’t know you could break up with Marissa because I’d thought you two were were just an on-again, off-again thing, i.e., not a true couple in any sense: I thought you were “friends with benefits”

    Heh, it’s complicated. I’m still trying to sort out my feelings as well. But the bottom line is is Marissa sucks at being a girlfriend and didn’t seem to be inclined to try and step up her game. However the relationship is characterized, my needs simply were not being met. Time to move on for us both. Should be interesting how things play out in that regard.

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